WordPress Releases Version 4.5

WordPress has just announced the release of WordPress v. 4.5, named “Coleman” as a tribute to legendary jazz music artist Coleman Hawkins. Learn about the new WordPress changes here …

WordPress Releases New Version: WP V. 4.5

WordPress has just announced the release of WP v. 4.5, named “Coleman” as a tribute to legendary jazz artist Coleman Hawkins. Learn about the new WP 4.5 updates below.


WP 4.5New WordPress Version: WP 4.5 – Coleman

WordPress has just released WP 4.5, named “Coleman” in honor of legendary jazz music artist Coleman Hawkins.

WordPress 4.5 - Coleman

WP version 4.5, released on April 12, 2016 is all about streamlining your workflow.

Here are just some of the changes you will find in the new version:

Inline Linking

Coinciding with the release of WP version 4.5 is a new inline linking tool. This provides WordPress users with a less distracting interface …

Inline Linking

(WP v. 4.5 – Inline Linking)

This tool lets you easily add links to your content with less distraction …

WordPress 4.5 - Inline Linking

(WordPress v. 4.5 – Inline Linking)

Formatting Shortcuts

Prior to the release of version 4.5, WordPress introduced formatting shortcuts for lists and headings. In WP v. 4.5 you can now also use formatting shortcuts for horizontal lines and code …

Formatting Shortcuts

(Formatting Shortcuts)

Add 3 horizontal dashes to create a horizontal line and enclose your text in backticks to turn it into <code> …

Formatting Shortcuts - Backticks

(WordPress 4.5 : Formatting Shortcuts – Backticks)

The formatting shortcuts for horizontal lines and code are shown below …

Formatting Shortcuts

(WordPress 4.5 – Inline Linking)

Responsive Previews

From v. 4.5, live responsive previews are now available …

WP version 4.5 - Live Responsive Previews

(Live Responsive Previews)

You can preview mobile, tablet, and desktop views directly in the customizer …

WP 4.5 - Live Responsive Previews

(Live Responsive Previews)

Upload Logos

version 4.5 now allows themes to support logos for your business or brand …

Custom Logos

(Custom Logos)

This feature is also accessed from the Theme Customizer …

WordPress 4.5 - Upload Logos

(Custom Logos)

Additional WordPress Version 4.5 Release Notes

version 4.5 also includes various additional technical improvements, such as:

  • Smart Image Resizing
  • Selective Refresh
  • Script Loader Improvements
  • Better Embed Templates
  • JavaScript Library Updates

WP 4.5 – Additional Enhancements

In addition to the improvements and enhancements listed above, v. 4.5 also includes many other enhancements and bug-fixes.

Important Update Tips

WP v. 4.5 - WordPress Update

We recommend doing the following before upgrading to any new version of WordPress:

  • Perform a complete backup of all your WordPress files and database.
  • Search online for any problems or issues that other WordPress users may be experiencing with the new version. This includes incompatibilities and conflicts with plugins, themes, and other issues (just search for “WordPress v.4.5 issues” or “WP 4.5 Coleman errors”, then go through some of the results to see what kind of issues and errors users are experiencing).
  • Once you have done the above, then upgrade to the new version as soon as possible to ensure that your site remains protected against any security vulnerabilities found in previous versions.

WP v. 4.5 - Important Update Tips

Note: Some of the images shown above have been sourced from WordPress version 4.5 release notes.

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