WordPress Configuration Tutorials

WordPress Configuration Tutorials - WPCompendium.org

WordPress Setup

If you plan to build your own website using WordPress, you can save hundreds (even thousands of dollars), learning how to configure your site’s settings. If someone else has built and setup your WordPress site, use the tutorials in the WordPress Configuration module as a checklist to make sure that your site has been expertly configured.

After installing WordPress, the next step is to configure and set up your website or blog.

Although a new WordPress site works “right out of the box” immediately after installation, there are a number of internal and external settings that you can configure to help you get the most benefit out of using WordPress.

The WordPress Configuration Process

WordPress Configuration Process

(WordPress Configuration Process)

WPCompendium.org’s tutorials show you step-by-step how to get your WordPress site expertly configured. This is important if you plan to build a successful digital presence. You want a professional looking website that also helps your business get results.

To do this, you need a digital management and marketing strategy that will help you:

  1. Generate more traffic from search engine results, social media, content syndication, etc. and
  2. Convert more visitors into leads, subscribers, customers, sales, etc.

With WordPress, you can easily automate many processes that lead to better results … the key is knowing how to configure it!

Automate Your Content Distribution, Web Traffic & Lead Generation With WordPress

After your WordPress site has been fully configured, all you have to do is publish your content and automation does the rest …

An expertly configured WordPress site lets you automate your management, marketing & sales processes!

(Automate various management, marketing & sales processes with WordPress!)

The video below shows you how an expertly configured WordPress site can turn your website into an automated content distribution, web traffic & lead generation and sales & marketing machine …

Click on the tutorials below to save money and learn how to configure your WordPress settings like an expert, or go here if you need professional or expert help configuring your WordPress site:

WordPress Traffic Automation Guide

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 1 (Overview)

This is part 1 of a 5-part series of tutorials that show you how to automatically increase web traffic using WordPress and proven web marketing methods ...
{WordPress {Web|Website|Web Site}|Website|Web|Web Site} Traffic Blueprint Part {2|Two} - {{How|Discover How|Learn How} To {{Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}|Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}} Into {An Automated|A} {Traffic Generation|Traffic|Web Traffic} Machine|Create {An Automated|A} {Traffic|Web Traffic}{ Generation|-Getting} {Machine|Machine With WordPress}}|{{{Discover|Learn} How|How} {To|To Automatically} {Generate More|Drive More|Grow Your|Increase Your|Attract More|Get More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your {Business|Business {Using|With} WordPress}|A Complete Guide To {{Generating More|Driving More|Growing Your|Increasing Your|Getting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic}|{Generating More|Driving More|Getting More|Attracting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your Business} {Automatically {With|Using} WordPress|Automatically}}}

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 2 (Setup)

This is part 2 of a 5-part series on how to create an automated traffic generation system for your WordPress site. This tutorial explains the processes and methods used in this system ...
{WordPress {Web|Website|Web Site}|Website|Web|Web Site} Traffic Blueprint Part {3|Three} - {{How|Discover How|Learn How} To {{Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}|Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}} Into {An Automated|A} {Traffic Generation|Traffic|Web Traffic} Machine|Create {An Automated|A} {Traffic|Web Traffic}{ Generation|Generating|-Getting} {Machine|Machine With WordPress}}|{{{Discover|Learn} How|How} {To|To Automatically} {Generate More|Drive More|Grow Your|Increase Your|Attract More|Get More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your {Business|Business {Using|With} WordPress}|A Complete Guide To {{Generating More|Driving More|Growing Your|Increasing Your|Getting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic}|{Generating More|Driving More|Getting More|Attracting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your Business} {Automatically {With|Using} WordPress|Automatically}}}

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 3 (Configuration)

This is part 3 of a 5-part series on how to create an automated traffic generation system for your WordPress site. In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure the essential settings of the WordPress automated traffic system ...
{WordPress {Web|Website|Web Site}|Website|Web|Web Site} Traffic Blueprint Part {4|Four} - {{How|Discover How|Learn How} To {{Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}|Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}} Into {An Automated|A} {Traffic Generation|Traffic|Web Traffic} Machine|Create {An Automated|A} {Traffic|Web Traffic}{ Generation| Generating|-Getting} {Machine|Machine With WordPress}}|{{{Discover|Learn} How|How} {To|To Automatically} {Generate More|Drive More|Grow Your|Increase Your|Attract More|Get More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your {Business|Business {Using|With} WordPress}|A Complete Guide To {{Generating More|Driving More|Growing Your|Increasing Your|Getting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic}|{Generating More|Driving More|Getting More|Attracting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} To Your Business} {Automatically {With|Using} WordPress|Automatically}}}

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 4 (Automation)

This is part 4 of a 5-part series on how to create an automated traffic generation system for your WordPress site. This tutorial shows you how to set up a number of plugins that will help drive traffic automatically to your WordPress site ...
{WordPress {Web|Website|Web Site}|Website|Web|Web Site} Traffic Blueprint Part {5|Five} - {{How|Discover How|Learn How} To {{Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}|Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}} Into {An Automated|A} {Traffic Generation|Traffic|Web Traffic} Machine|Create {An Automated|A} {Traffic|Web Traffic}{ Generation| Generating|-Getting} {Machine|Machine With WordPress}}|{{{Discover|Learn} How|How} {To|To Automatically} {Generate More|Drive More|Grow Your|Increase Your|Attract More|Get More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your {Business|Business {Using|With} WordPress}|A Complete Guide To {{Generating More|Driving More|Growing Your|Increasing Your|Getting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic}|{Generating More|Driving More|Getting More|Attracting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} To Your Business} {Automatically {With|Using} WordPress|Automatically}}}

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 5 (Optimization)

This is part 5 of a 5-part series on how to create an automated traffic generation system for your WordPress site. This tutorial explains how to optimize your WordPress traffic system once your WordPress site has been expertly configured and setup ...
How To Kickstart WordPress Traffic Automation To Your Website Or Blog

How To Kickstart WordPress Traffic Automation To Your Website Or Blog

If you have followed our WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint step-by-step tutorials, you are ready to begin driving an endless stream of visitors to your WordPress site or blog. Here we show you how to kickstart your traffic ...
WordPress Under Construction

How To Put Your WordPress Site In Maintenance Mode

Learn how to put your WordPress site in maintenance mode ...
{Using cPanel To Manage Your WordPress Hosting|cPanel Overview For WordPress Users|Overview Of cPanel For WordPress Users}

Using cPanel To Manage Your WordPress Hosting

This tutorial provides an overview of the benefits of using cPanel to manage your WordPress web hosting ...
How To Clean Up A New WordPress Installation

How To Clean Up A New WordPress Installation

Have you installed a new Wordpress site or blog on your domain? Learn how to clean up your new WordPress installation like an expert in this step-by-step tutorial ...
{{{Preparing|Creating} {Initial Content|Content}|Content|Initial Content} For Your {New WordPress|WordPress} {Site|Site - Checklist}|WordPress Site Content - Checklist|{{Your|Your New} WordPress Site|New WordPress Site|WordPress Site} - {Initial Content|Content} Checklist}

WordPress Content Checklist

Use this WordPress content checklist to help you prepare the initial content you will need to get your new website launched ...
How To Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

How To Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

Learn ways to customize your WordPress dashboard without editing code ...
How To Edit Your WordPress User Profile

How To Edit Your WordPress User Profile

Learn how to edit your user profile and configure other personal information on your WordPress site or blog ...
{{WordPress|WP} {Tutorial|For Beginners}|{Learn|Learn To Use|Learn How To Use} {WordPress|WP}}

How To Change The Admin Username In WordPress

The default WordPress username admin poses a security risk to your WordPress site. Learn how to change the admin username in WordPress for improved security ...
{{How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress General Settings - {Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}|{Configure|How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress - General Settings}

How To Configure WordPress General Settings

Learn how to configure your WordPress General Settings in this step-by-step tutorial ...
{{How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress Writing Settings - {Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}|{Configure|How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress - Writing Settings}

How To Configure WordPress Writing Settings

Your WordPress Writing Settings can help drive new visitors automatically to your website. Learn how to configure your WordPress Writing Settings in this step-by-step tutorial ...
{{How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress Reading Settings - {Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}|{Configure|How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress - Reading Settings}

How To Configure WordPress Reading Settings

Learn how to configure your WordPress Reading Settings in this step-by-step tutorial ...
How To Configure File Permission Settings On Your Server

How To Configure Server File Permission Settings

Learn how to configure permission settings for files and directories on your server ...
How To Create A Robots.txt File

How To Create A Robots.txt File

This tutorial explains what a robots.txt file is and how to create a robots.txt file and upload it to your server ...
How To Block {Your WordPress Site|WordPress} From Search Engines

How To Block WordPress From Search Engines

Learn how to block WordPress from search engines by configuring your WordPress settings and plugins in this tutorial ...
How To Set Your Home Page In WordPress

How To Set Your Home Page In WordPress

Learn how to set up any page on your WordPress site as the home page that visitors will see when they visit your website ...
How To Create A Blog Page In WordPress

How To Create A Blog Page In WordPress

Learn how to create a blog page on your WordPress site that will automatically display your most recent published blog posts ...
{{How To {Specify|Change|Set}|{Changing|Setting|Specifying}} {The Number Of {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {To Display|Displayed|Showing}|How Many {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {Display|Show|Show Up}} On {Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Blog Page|Blog}{:| -} {Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}|{Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}{:| -} {How To {Specify|Change|Set}|{Changing|Setting|Specifying}} {The Number Of {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {To Display|Displayed|Showing}|How Many {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {Display|Show|Show Up}} On {Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Blog Page|Blog}}

How To Set The Number Of Blog Posts To Display In WordPress

Learn how to set the number of published blog posts to display on your WordPress blog page ...
{WordPress|How To Configure WordPress|Configuring WordPress} Discussion Settings - {Tutorial|Step-By-Step Tutorial}

How To Configure WordPress Discussion Settings

Learn how to configure WordPress discussion settings to improve your website or blog's engagement with online users in this step-by-step tutorial ...
WordPress Gravatar icon

Using WordPress Gravatars

Learn about WordPress Gravatars ... what they are, how they work, and how to set up Gravatars in WordPress ...
{WordPress|How To Configure WordPress|Configuring WordPress} Media Settings

How To Configure WordPress Media Settings

Do you need to adjust the size of images and thumbnails displayed on your WordPress site? Learn how to configure your WordPress media settings in this tutorial ...
{{How To {Configure|Set Up|Change}|Configuring|Changing|Setting Up} {Your WordPress|WordPress} Permalinks|{How To Improve|Improve} Your WordPress SEO {Using|With} {Permalinks|SEO-Friendly URLs}|Using Permalinks To Improve Your WordPress SEO}

How To Set Up And Use WordPress Permalinks

Learn how to set up permalinks in WordPress for improved content navigation and better search engine optimization ...
WordPress post categories screen.

Using WordPress Post Categories

Learn what categories are, how to use categories to improve your content navigation and SEO, and how to add, edit, and delete WordPress categories ...

How To Configure WordPress Tags

Tags help your readers find related posts and keep visitors longer on your website. Learn how to configure WordPress tags in this step-by-step tutorial ...

Using WordPress Post Tags

Learn how to add tags to your WordPress posts in this tutorial ...
How To Configure WordPress Theme Settings

How To Configure WordPress Theme Settings

Every WordPress Theme is different. This tutorial provides an overview of WordPress features that let you configure your WordPress Theme settings ...
WordPress Tutorial

How To Add A Favicon To WordPress

Learn how to create and add a favicon to your WordPress site in this tutorial ...
How To Use WordPress Custom Menus

How To Use And Customize WordPress Menus

Learn how to create, use, and customize WordPress menus ...

WordPress Widgets Explained

This tutorial explains what WordPress widgets are, how widgets work, and how widgets can help you customize and extend the functionality of your website or blog ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets

Learn how to use and configure WordPress widgets on your sidebar. This tutorial explains the basic concepts of using Widgets to extend the functionality of your website and provides an overview of the Widgets area ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets – Part 2

Learn how to add, configure, and use text widgets on your WordPress sidebar ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets – Part 3

Learn how to add and configure a number of useful widgets on your WordPress sidebar ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets – Part 4

Learn how to add and configure various useful WordPress widgets on your sidebar and how to create custom sidebar widgets ...
How To Set Up Webmaster Accounts

How To Set Up Webmaster Accounts

Learn how to set up webmaster accounts for improving your WordPress site SEO and search results ...
Decide Where To Install WordPress

How To Integrate WordPress With Google Services

Learn how to create a Google account and how to integrate your WordPress site with various Google services for more traffic and better results online ...
How To Add A Contact Form To WordPress

How To Add A Contact Form To WordPress

Contact forms allow visitors, users, and potential prospects to contact you. Learn how to add a contact form to WordPress in this tutorial ...
{{How To Add|Adding} {A {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section|Links|Featured Links|A Blogroll} To {WordPress|Your WordPress {Sidebar|Site|Sidebar Menu}|The WordPress Sidebar|Sidebar Menu}|How Do I Add {A {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section|Links|Featured Links|A Blogroll} To {WordPress|My WordPress {Sidebar|Site|Sidebar Menu}|The WordPress {Sidebar|Sidebar Menu}}?|Adding WordPress Sidebar {Links|Featured Links}|Adding A WordPress {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section|How To Add A WordPress {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section}

How To Add A Link Section To WordPress

Before the release of WordPress v3.5, Links were a core feature of WordPress. This tutorial shows you how to restore this feature to your site ...
{Is Your Website {Legally Compliant|Compliant}?|Making Your Website {Compliant|Legally Compliant|The Importance Of Having A Legally Compliant Website} -} {{Adding|How To Add|A Guide To Adding|The Importance Of Adding|Why You Need To Add|What You Need To Know About Adding} Legal Pages To Your {WordPress Site|Website|Site}|{Legal|What Legal} Pages To Add To Your {WordPress Site|Website|Site}}

How To Add Legal Pages To Your WordPress Site

Learn how to make your WordPress site or blog legally compliant and how to shortcut the process using legal page creation plugins ...
{{Compliance Bar|Compliance Bar Plugin} - {{Compliance|Website Compliance|Legal} Plugin For WordPress|WordPress Plugin For {Website|Legal|Legal Website} Compliance|{WordPress|WP} {Compliance|Website Compliance|Legal|Legal Compliance} Plugin|{Total|Total Legal} Website Compliance And Disclaimer Solution} {Reviewed|Review|WordPress Plugin Review|Plugin Review|Premium Plugin Review|}|{Compliance Bar|Compliance Bar Plugin} For {WordPress|{WordPress|WordPress {Users|Websites|Sites}}} {- A Review|- WordPress Plugin Review|- Plugin Review|- Premium Plugin Review|}|{Is Your {Website|Online Business|Digital Presence|Digital Business|Web Presence|Internet Business|Internet Presence} {Legally Protected|Compliant With {All Laws And Regulations|The Law}|Protected From Someone Wanting To {Take Legal Action|Sue You}|Protected {From Lawsuits|From An Imminent Lawsuit|Against Legal Action}|At Risk Of Being Sued|Breaking {The Law|{Laws|Laws, Policies} {And|Or} Regulations}|A Lawsuit Waiting To Happen}?}}

Compliance Bar – Legal Web Compliance Plugin For WordPress

Compliance Bar lets you add over 20 customizable legal templates to your WordPress site ...
How To Optimize Your WordPress Site For Search Engines With Yoast SEO Plugin

How To Optimize Your WordPress Site For Search Engines With Yoast SEO Plugin

Learn how to optimize your WordPress site for search engines with the Yoast SEO plugin ...
How To Add An XML Sitemap To WordPress

How To Add An XML Sitemap To WordPress

Learn how to create and configure an XML sitemap for WordPress using a Free XML sitemap generator plugin called Google XML Sitemap Generator ...
How To Add An HTML Site Map To WordPress

How To Add An HTML Site Map To WordPress

Adding a site map helps visitors find more of your content. Learn how to add an HTML site map to WordPress in this tutorial ...
How To Set Up An Account With Alexa

How To Set Up An Alexa Account

Learn how to set up an account with Alexa.com ...
How To {Use WordPress In {Another Language|Other Languages}|Configure WordPress For {Other|Different} Languages|Translate WordPress Into {Different Languages|Another Language|Other Languages}}

How To Use WordPress In Other Languages

Learn how to configure your WordPress site for use in another language ...
WordPress Configuration Checklist

WordPress Configuration Checklist

Use the WordPress configuration checklist below to make sure that your WordPress website or blog has been professionally set up and expertly configured ...
WordPress Configuration Video Tutorials

WordPress Configuration Video Tutorials

This section explains how to access our library of WordPress configuration video tutorials ...
How To Add SSL To WordPress For Free Using CPanel AutoSSL

How To Add SSL To WordPress For Free Using CPanel AutoSSL

Adding SSL to your WordPress site improves security and SEO. Learn how to add SSL to WordPress for FREE using cPanel AutoSSL in this step-by-step tutorial ...
How To Add Google Analytics To WordPress

How To Add Google Analytics To WordPress

Learn how to add Google Analytics to WordPress to measure and track visitor behavior & other important metrics on your website with no coding skills required ...

WordPress Tutorials – Index

Important Info

Before you begin this module, we recommend completing these training modules:

We also recommend watching the following videos in addition to the written step-by-step tutorials:

You can view these videos online anytime through our WordPress video course site at WPMasterclasses.com.

Free eCourse For WordPress Users

Enter your details in the form below to subscribe…


"Wow! I never knew there's so much to learn about WordPress! I bought one of the WordPress for Dummies three years ago, such authors need to be on this course!" - Rich Law, Create A Blog Now

Originally published as WordPress Configuration Tutorials.