Free WordPress Tutorials For Beginners Step-By-Step

Free WordPress Tutorials

Free WordPress Step-By-Step Tutorials

“I am beyond impressed with what you have put together. I can tell that you put a ton of hard work into building what you have. You have the absolute best content on WordPress I have ever seen!” – Robert T. Jillie

”This is AMAZING! I had learnt about how to use WordPress previously, but this covers absolutely everything and more!! Incredible value! Thank you!” – Monique, Warrior Forum

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to start or grow a web presence for your business or get better results online? If so, WordPress can help you!

Do you want to learn how to use WordPress? We have the most detailed written WordPress tutorials available for beginners … enjoy!

WordPress Tutorials – Training Modules

Click on the training modules below to view all of our WordPress tutorials: – Most Popular WordPress Tutorials

Click on the links below to browse some of our most popular FREE WordPress tutorials:

The Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners

Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners

The Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners provides FREE in-depth step-by-step tutorials on how to use WordPress to publish content online quickly and easily ...
Free Digital Skills Training: WordPress For Business

Free Digital Skills Training: WordPress For Business

Want FREE digital skills training on WordPress for your business? Access hundreds of detailed WordPress step-by-step tutorials to help you grow your business online ... 100% FREE! ...
{What You Need To Know About Managing {Your Own Website|A Website On Your Own|A Website By Yourself|A Website Yourself}|Managing {Your Own Website|A Website On Your Own|A Website By Yourself|A Website Yourself} - What You Need To Know}

Want A Website You Can Manage Yourself? Read This First!

If you want a website that you can manage by yourself, here is what you need to know before getting your website built ...

Why Use WordPress?

This article explains some of the many benefits of using WordPress and why WordPress is an ideal platform for building and growing a business online! ...
{WordPress Staff Directory Plugin|WordPress Staff List|WordPress Plugin Staff Directory|Employee Directory WordPress|Simple Staff List Template|Staff Plugin WordPress|WordPress Staff Plugin|Staff Directory WordPress Plugin}

How To Add A Staff Directory In WordPress

Learn how to easily add a simple directory of staff members to your WordPress site with no coding skills required ...
Laptop user

50 Great Reasons To Choose WordPress

Here are over 50 reasons to consider using WordPress for your business website or blog ...
Benefits Of Using WordPress As A CMS

Benefits Of Using WordPress As A Content Management System

In this article, we explore some of the many benefits of using WordPress as a Content Management System ...
{Build|How To Build|Learn How To Build|Create|How To Create|Learn How To Create} {A|A Professional} {Website For Your Business|Website} {{In One Day|From Scratch} With|With} {WordPress - No|No} {Coding|Coding Skills} {Required|Necessary}!

Build A Website In One Day With WordPress – No Coding Required

Learn how to build a professional website for your business, church, school, community group, or organization in one day with WordPress ... no coding required! ...
The WordPress Site Maintenance Process

WordPress Maintenance Process

Learn how to perform a complete WordPress Maintenance routine to keep your WordPress site updated and your files and data fully backed up and protected ...
Quick WordPress Installation Guide

Quick WordPress Installation Guide

Want to create your own website? Our Quick WordPress Installation Guide shows you how to create a professional website or blog with WordPress ...
{WordPress|WP} Security

How To Protect Your WordPress Site From A Brute-Force Attack

Learn how to protect your WordPress site from being brute-force attacked, or having its security compromised by hackers or bots ...
WordPress Traffic Automation Guide

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 1 (Overview)

This is part 1 of a 5-part series of tutorials that show you how to automatically increase web traffic using WordPress and proven web marketing methods ...
Why Is WordPress Free?

Why Is WordPress Free? WordPress Costs Explained

This tutorial explains why WordPress is free and looks at the basic costs involved in setting up and running a WordPress-powered website or blog ...
Why Is WordPress Free?

Why Is WordPress Free? Uncovering Hidden Catches

This article examines some of the key licensing issues governing the free use of WordPress and whether or not there are any hidden catches with using WordPress ...
WordPress {e-Commerce|eCommerce} {Plugins|Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide}

WordPress eCommerce Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you planning to set up an eCommerce store with WordPress? Discover the best WordPress eCommerce plugins to sell your products and services online in this comprehensive guide ...
WordPress Membership {Plugins|Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide}

WordPress Membership Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you planning to set up a membership site with WordPress? Discover the best WordPress membership plugins in this comprehensive guide ...
WordPress Digital Business Blueprint

The WordPress Digital Business Blueprint That Saves You Money

Learn how to save money on web development costs with our proven WordPress digital business blueprint! ...
Laptop users

Website Planning Process – Part 1

Learn what to do before getting a business website or blog built and includes a printable/downloadable version of the Website Planning Process chart.  ...
{Is Your Website {Legally Compliant|Compliant}?|Making Your Website {Compliant|Legally Compliant|The Importance Of Having A Legally Compliant Website} -} {{Adding|How To Add|A Guide To Adding|The Importance Of Adding|Why You Need To Add|What You Need To Know About Adding} Legal Pages To Your {WordPress Site|Website|Site}|{Legal|What Legal} Pages To Add To Your {WordPress Site|Website|Site}}

How To Add Legal Pages To Your WordPress Site

Learn how to make your WordPress site or blog legally compliant and how to shortcut the process using legal page creation plugins ...
How To Set Up {Web Hosting|Webhosting} For Your WordPress Site

How To Set Up Web Hosting For Your WordPress Site

Learn how to set up a web hosting account for your WordPress website or blog ...
How To Install {WordPress|WordPress On Your Domain} Using cPanel

How To Install WordPress Using cPanel

Learn how to install WordPress on your domain in minutes using cPanel with no coding required ...
Backup Creator - {Backup|Back Up}, {Clone|Duplicate} {And|&} {Protect Your {WordPress|WP} {Website|Websites|Site|Sites|Web Site|Web Sites|Websites And Blogs}|Keep Your {WordPress|WP} {Website|Websites|Site|Sites|Web Site|Web Sites|Websites And Blogs} Protected}

Backup Creator – WordPress Backup Plugin

Backup Creator is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to backup your WordPress data, clone your websites, and protect your sites against data loss ...
How To Install {WordPress Manually|WordPress Manually On Your Domain} {Using FTP|}

The Famous WordPress 5-Minute Installation For Non-Techies

Learn how to perform the famous WordPress 5-minute installation in this step-by-step tutorial for non-techies ...
How To Install WordPress Plugins

How To Install WordPress Plugins Via The WordPress Dashboard

Learn how to install and active plugins on your WordPress site via the WordPress dashboard ...
{How To {{Add|Add {Beautiful|Colorful|Interactive|Mobile-Responsive|Dynamic|Updatable|Updateable|Colourful|Stunning|Attractive|Eye-Catching|Appealing|Great-Looking}} {Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts} To|{{Insert|Embed}|{Insert|Embed} {Beautiful|Colorful|Interactive|Mobile-Responsive|Dynamic|Updatable|Updateable|Colourful|Stunning|Attractive|Eye-Catching|Appealing|Great-Looking}} {Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts} Into|{Create|Create {Beautiful|Colorful|Interactive|Mobile-Responsive|Dynamic|Updatable|Updateable|Colourful|Stunning|Attractive|Eye-Catching|Appealing|Great-Looking}} {Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts} In}|{{Add|Adding} {{Beautiful|Colorful|Interactive|Mobile-Responsive|Dynamic|Updatable|Updateable|Colourful|Stunning|Attractive|Eye-Catching|Appealing|Great-Looking} {Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts}|{Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts}} To|{{Insert|Embed}|{Inserting|Embedding}} {{Beautiful|Colorful|Interactive|Mobile-Responsive|Dynamic|Updatable|Updateable|Colourful|Stunning|Attractive|Eye-Catching|Appealing|Great-Looking} {Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts}|{Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts}} Into|{Create|Creating} {{Beautiful|Colorful|Interactive|Mobile-Responsive|Dynamic|Updatable|Updateable|Colourful|Stunning|Attractive|Eye-Catching|Appealing|Great-Looking} {Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts}|{Charts|Graphs|Charts And Graphs|Graphs And Charts}} In}} {A {WordPress {Post|Page|Post Or Page|Page Or Post}|{Post|Page|Post Or Page|Page Or Post} In WordPress}|{WordPress {Posts|Pages|Posts And Pages|Pages And Posts|}|{Posts|Pages|Posts And Pages|Pages And Posts} In WordPress}}

How To Add Charts And Graphs To WordPress

Learn how to create, manage and embed stunning dynamic and interactive charts and graphs into your WordPress posts and pages with a few simple steps ...
How To Clean Up A New WordPress Installation

How To Clean Up A New WordPress Installation

Have you installed a new Wordpress site or blog on your domain? Learn how to clean up your new WordPress installation like an expert in this step-by-step tutorial ...
{{How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress Reading Settings - {Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}|{Configure|How To Configure|Configuring} WordPress - Reading Settings}

How To Configure WordPress Reading Settings

Learn how to configure your WordPress Reading Settings in this step-by-step tutorial ...
{WordPress|How To Configure WordPress|Configuring WordPress} Discussion Settings - {Tutorial|Step-By-Step Tutorial}

How To Configure WordPress Discussion Settings

Learn how to configure WordPress discussion settings to improve your website or blog's engagement with online users in this step-by-step tutorial ...
{{WordPress|WP} {Tutorial|For Beginners}|{Learn|Learn To Use|Learn How To Use} {WordPress|WP}}

How To Change The Admin Username In WordPress

The default WordPress username admin poses a security risk to your WordPress site. Learn how to change the admin username in WordPress for improved security ...
{{{Preparing|Creating} {Initial Content|Content}|Content|Initial Content} For Your {New WordPress|WordPress} {Site|Site - Checklist}|WordPress Site Content - Checklist|{{Your|Your New} WordPress Site|New WordPress Site|WordPress Site} - {Initial Content|Content} Checklist}

WordPress Content Checklist

Use this WordPress content checklist to help you prepare the initial content you will need to get your new website launched ...
{WordPress {Web|Website|Web Site}|Website|Web|Web Site} Traffic Blueprint Part {3|Three} - {{How|Discover How|Learn How} To {{Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}|Turn Your {Website|WordPress Site|WordPress Blog|WordPress Website|WordPress Web Site}} Into {An Automated|A} {Traffic Generation|Traffic|Web Traffic} Machine|Create {An Automated|A} {Traffic|Web Traffic}{ Generation|Generating|-Getting} {Machine|Machine With WordPress}}|{{{Discover|Learn} How|How} {To|To Automatically} {Generate More|Drive More|Grow Your|Increase Your|Attract More|Get More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your {Business|Business {Using|With} WordPress}|A Complete Guide To {{Generating More|Driving More|Growing Your|Increasing Your|Getting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic}|{Generating More|Driving More|Getting More|Attracting More} {Traffic|Web Traffic|Web Visitors|Website Visitors|Website Traffic} For Your Business} {Automatically {With|Using} WordPress|Automatically}}}

WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 3 (Configuration)

This is part 3 of a 5-part series on how to create an automated traffic generation system for your WordPress site. In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure the essential settings of the WordPress automated traffic system ...
WordPress post categories screen.

Using WordPress Post Categories

Learn what categories are, how to use categories to improve your content navigation and SEO, and how to add, edit, and delete WordPress categories ...
{{How To {Configure|Set Up|Change}|Configuring|Changing|Setting Up} {Your WordPress|WordPress} Permalinks|{How To Improve|Improve} Your WordPress SEO {Using|With} {Permalinks|SEO-Friendly URLs}|Using Permalinks To Improve Your WordPress SEO}

How To Set Up And Use WordPress Permalinks

Learn how to set up permalinks in WordPress for improved content navigation and better search engine optimization ...
WordPress Gravatar icon

Using WordPress Gravatars

Learn about WordPress Gravatars ... what they are, how they work, and how to set up Gravatars in WordPress ...
{WordPress {Plugin|Product} Review|Review|Plugin Review}: {{{Blog Defender|Blog Defender WordPress Security Plugin|Blog Defender Security Plugin|Blog Defender Security Plugin For {WordPress|WordPress {Sites|Websites|Websites & Blogs|Web Sites|Blogs}}}|{Blog Defender|Blog Defender WordPress Security Plugin|Blog Defender Security Plugin|Blog Defender Security Plugin For {WordPress|WordPress {Sites|Websites|Websites & Blogs|Web Sites|Blogs}}} - {Make Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites}|Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} {Invisible To|Hidden To|Unseen By} {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers}}|{Protect|Secure|Hide} Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} From {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers}}|Prevent Malicious {Attacks|Intrusions|Cyber Attacks|Cyber-Attacks|Cyberattacks} On Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} {By|From}} {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers}|Prevent {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers} From {Attacking|{Finding|Finding {And|&} Attacking}} Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites}|Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites}}|{{Make Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites}|Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} {Invisible To|Hidden To|Unseen By} {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers}} With|{Protect|Secure|Hide} Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} From {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers}} With|Prevent Malicious {Attacks|Intrusions|Cyber Attacks|Cyber-Attacks|Cyberattacks} On Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} {By|From}} {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers} With|Prevent {Hackers {And|&} {Botnets|Bots}|Hackers|{Botnets|Bots} {And|&} Hackers} From {Attacking|{Finding|Finding {And|&} Attacking}} Your {{WordPress|WP} {Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites}|Site|Website|Web Site|Blog|Blogs|Websites|Web Sites} With} {Blog Defender|Blog Defender WordPress Security Plugin|Blog Defender Security Plugin|Blog Defender Security Plugin For {WordPress|WordPress {Sites|Websites|Websites & Blogs|Web Sites|Blogs}}}}

Blog Defender – WordPress Security Suite

Blog Defender is a suite of WordPress security plugins and tools, video tutorials, and WordPress security documentation in PDF and DOC formats that helps prevent malicious attacks on WordPress websites and blogs by hackers and botnets ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets

Learn how to use and configure WordPress widgets on your sidebar. This tutorial explains the basic concepts of using Widgets to extend the functionality of your website and provides an overview of the Widgets area ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets – Part 2

Learn how to add, configure, and use text widgets on your WordPress sidebar ...
How To Set Your Home Page In WordPress

How To Set Your Home Page In WordPress

Learn how to set up any page on your WordPress site as the home page that visitors will see when they visit your website ...
{{How To {Specify|Change|Set}|{Changing|Setting|Specifying}} {The Number Of {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {To Display|Displayed|Showing}|How Many {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {Display|Show|Show Up}} On {Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Blog Page|Blog}{:| -} {Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}|{Step-By-Step Tutorial|Tutorial}{:| -} {How To {Specify|Change|Set}|{Changing|Setting|Specifying}} {The Number Of {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {To Display|Displayed|Showing}|How Many {Posts|Blog Posts|Entries|Blog Post Entries|Blog Post Items|Post Entries|Published Posts|Published Blog Posts|Published Blog Items|Published Blog Post Items|Published Blog Post Entries} {Display|Show|Show Up}} On {Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Blog Page|Blog}}

How To Set The Number Of Blog Posts To Display In WordPress

Learn how to set the number of published blog posts to display on your WordPress blog page ...
WordPress Quick Edit feature.

How To Use The WordPress Quick Edit Feature

Learn how to use the WordPress Quick Edit feature to edit information about your WordPress posts and pages ...
{{Your WordPress|WordPress} {RSS Feed|RSS}|WordPress And RSS|Understanding {Your WordPress|WordPress|The WordPress} RSS|WordPress RSS Feature|WordPress RSS Feature Overview|Overview Of WordPress RSS|Using RSS In WordPress|WordPress User's Guide To RSS|{A {Basic|Practical}|The Ultimate} Guide {To|To Understanding} WordPress {RSS|RSS Feeds}|A Basic {Guide To|Overview On} {Using|Using The} WordPress RSS|{The|Understanding The} Benefits Of Using {WordPress RSS|{RSS|RSS Feeds} In WordPress|The WordPress RSS Feature}|{WordPress|Using WordPress} {RSS|RSS Feeds} For Beginners|A Beginner's Guide To {Using|Understanding} WordPress RSS}

Ultimate Guide To WordPress RSS

Learn about the benefits of using RSS and how to access, format and use WordPress RSS feeds to import and syndicate your content ...
Girl staring at laptop looking frustrated.

How To Use WordPress Autosave And Post Revisions

Learn how to use the WordPress autosave and post revisions feature to restore and recover content revisions in your posts and pages ...
The WordPress classic content editor

How To Use The WordPress Classic Editor

This tutorial shows you how to use the WordPress Visual Content Editor – what the menu items do, how to format text, plus useful tips and information on how to get the most out of the WordPress content editor ...
A Basic Guide To HTML Formatting For WordPress Users

A Basic Guide To HTML For WordPress Users

Learn basic HTML formatting you can use to format content in your posts and pages ...
The WordPress Dashboard

The WordPress Dashboard

Learn about the WordPress dashboard and how to navigate your way around inside the WordPress administration area ...
{{{{{WordPress|WP} Themes}|Themes} - {An Overview|An Introduction}|{Understanding|A {Basic|Newbie's} Guide {To|To Understanding}} {{WordPress|WP} Themes|Themes}}|{WordPress|WP} {For Newbies|For Beginners|For Business} - {An Overview Of|An Introduction To} {{WordPress|WP} Themes|Themes}}

WordPress Themes Explained

This tutorial explains what WordPress themes are, what makes WordPress themes unique, and the benefits of using WordPress themes to improve the design of your website or blog ...
{{{WordPress|WP} Plugins - {Extending|Enhancing|Extend|Enhance|Improving|Improve|Expand|Expanding}|Using {WordPress|WP} Plugins To {Extend|Enhance|Improve|Expand}} Your {Website's|Site's|Web Site's|Blog's} {Functionality|Features|Capability|Capabilities|Features And Functionality}|{{WordPress|WP}|Using {WordPress|WP}} {Plugins|Plugins - The Easy Way To} {Extend|Enhance|Expand} Your {Website's|Site's|Web Site's|Blog's} {Functionality|Features|Features And Functionality|Capability|Capabilities}|{Add|Adding} New {Functionality|Features And Functionality} {To {Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Website|Site|Web Site|Blog} With Plugins|To Your {Website|Site|Web Site|Blog} With {Plugins|{WordPress|WP} Plugins}}}

WordPress Plugins Explained

This tutorial explains what WordPress plugins are, how plugins work and how plugins help WordPress users extend their website's functionality.  ...
How To Create A Post In WordPress - Pt. 2

How To Create A WordPress Post – Pt. 2

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and publish a new post on your WordPress site or blog ...
{{How To {{{Add|Create And Add} Tables {In|To|Into}|{Insert|Create And Insert} Tables Into} {WordPress Posts And Pages|WordPress Pages And Posts|Your Content|WordPress} {Easily|}|Easily {{Add|Create And Add} Tables {In|To|Into}|{Insert|Create And Insert} Tables Into} {WordPress Posts And Pages|WordPress Pages And Posts|Your Content|WordPress}} {With No {Programming|Coding} Skills Required|Without {Programming|Coding} Skills|Without Touching Code|}}|{How To {Add|Create And Add}|{Adding|Creating And Adding}} Tables {To|In} WordPress {Posts And Pages|Pages And Posts|Content|}|{How To {Add|Create And Add}|{Adding|Creating And Adding}} Tables {{In Posts And Pages|In Pages And Posts|Into Your {Content|Content Easily}|} {In|With} WordPress}|{How To {Insert|Create And Insert}|{Inserting|Creating And Inserting}} Tables {{Into Posts And Pages|Into Pages And Posts|Into Your {Content|Content Easily}|} {In|With} WordPress}}

How To Add Tables To WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to easily create and insert tables into your WordPress posts and pages with no coding skills required ...
WordPress Edit Post screen.

How To Edit And Delete WordPress Posts – Part 2

Learn how to edit and delete single and multiple posts in WordPress ...
WordPress Tutorial

How To Add Featured Images To WordPress Posts

Learn how to add featured images to your WordPress posts and pages ...
How To Make Sticky Posts In WordPress

How To Make WordPress Posts Sticky

Learn what a sticky post is and how to make WordPress posts sticky ...
How To Find Your WordPress Page And Post IDs

How To Find Your WordPress Page And Post IDs

Learn how to easily find a WordPress post or page ID and why knowing how to locate your post and page IDs can be useful ...
Copyright symbol.

How To Insert Special Characters Into WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to insert special characters and symbols into your WordPress posts and pages ...
Post Author

How To Change Post Authors In WordPress

Learn how to change post authors in WordPress ...
How To Reset Your WordPress Password

How To Reset Your WordPress Password

Learn how to retrieve a lost, misplaced or forgotten password or username in order to regain access to your website or blog ...
How To Add QR Codes To WordPress

How To Add QR Codes To WordPress

Learn about QR codes and how to add QR codes to WordPress in this tutorial ...
{{WordPress|WP} Plugin|WordPress} Tutorials - {How To Create|Creating} {A {To Do|To-Do} List|{To Do|To-Do} Lists} In WordPress

How To Add To-Do Lists In WordPress

Learn how to easily create a to-do list in WordPress ...
{WP Cheat|WPCheat} - {{Content Creation|Web Content Creation|Web Content|Content|HTML|2,300+|2,300+ HTML|2,300+ Copy And Paste HTML|2,300+ Copy And Paste} {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements} For WordPress|{WordPress|2,300+ WordPress} {Web Content|Content|HTML|Page|Web Page|Web} {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}|Faster {Content|WordPress Content|Web Content} Creation|Create {WordPress Content|Content|Web Content} {Faster|{With No|Without} Coding {Skills|Knowledge}|Faster {With No|Without} Coding {Skills|Knowledge}}|Create {WordPress Content|Content|Web Content} {Faster|{With No|Without} HTML Knowledge|Faster {With No|Without} HTML Knowledge}|Cut {&|And} Paste {HTML Elements|HTML|{Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}|HTML {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}} For {WordPress Users|WordPress}|Cut {&|And} Paste {HTML Elements|HTML|{Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}|HTML {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}}}

WP Cheat Cut And Paste HTML Templates For WordPress

WPCheat provides over 2,300 HTML element templates you can copy and paste straight into your WordPress text editor to insert complex layouts and elements when creating posts and pages ...
{Event Espresso - {Event Registration {&|And} {Ticketing|Ticket} {Management|Manager}|Event {Manager|Management} {&|And} {Registration|Ticket Registration|Ticketing Registration} {Plugin|System|Software} For WordPress}|Event Espresso - WordPress {Event Registration {&|And} {Ticketing|Ticket} {Management|Manager} {Plugin|System|Software}|Event {Manager|Management} {&|And} {Registration|Ticket Registration|Ticketing Registration} {Plugin|System|Software}}|Event Espresso}

Event Espresso – WordPress Event Management Plugin

Event Espresso is a complete event registration and ticketing management automation software solution for WordPress ...
{{WordPress|WP} {Tutorial|For Beginners}|{Learn|Learn To Use|Learn How To Use} {WordPress|WP}}

WordPress Themes For e-Commerce

Learn about WordPress themes for e-commerce and where to find great WordPress themes for setting up an online store or web shop ...
{{{The {Ultimate|Complete|Complete Step-By-Step|Step-By-Step}|A {Complete|Practical|Step-By-Step|Complete Step-By-Step|Practical Step-By-Step}} Guide {To {Building And Growing|Growing}|On How To {Grow|Build And Grow}}|How To {Grow|Build And Grow}} {Your|A} {Health {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Medical {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Medical {And|&} Health {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Health {And|&} Medical {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Medical Services {And|&} Health {Practice|Clinic|Center}|Medical Services {And|&} Health-Related|Medical {Practice|Clinic|Center}|Health {Practice|Clinic|Center}|Health-Related|Medical-Related} {{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Online}|{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Presence Online} {Successfully|Successfully With WordPress}}|{{The {Ultimate|Complete|Complete Step-By-Step|Step-By-Step}|A {Complete|Practical|Step-By-Step|Complete Step-By-Step|Practical Step-By-Step}} Guide {{To|To Successfully} {Building And Growing|Growing}|On How {To|To Successfully} {Grow|Build And Grow}}|How {To|To Successfully} {Grow|Build And Grow}} {Your|A} {Health {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Medical {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Medical {And|&} Health {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Health {And|&} Medical {Services|Clinic|Clinic Services|Practice|Practice Services|Center|Center Services}|Medical Services {And|&} Health {Practice|Clinic|Center}|Medical Services {And|&} Health-Related|Medical {Practice|Clinic|Center}|Health {Practice|Clinic|Center}|Health-Related|Medical-Related} {{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Online}|{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Presence Online} {Using WordPress|With WordPress}}}

Grow Your Medical Or Healthcare Business Online With WordPress

This article explains how to grow your medical or health-related business online and contains useful information on ways to improve the effectiveness of your medical or health-related web presence ...
{{{The {Ultimate|Complete|Complete Step-By-Step|Step-By-Step}|A {Complete|Practical|Step-By-Step|Complete Step-By-Step|Practical Step-By-Step}} Guide {To {Building And Growing|Growing}|On How To {Grow|Build And Grow}}|How To {Grow|Build And Grow}} {Your|An} {Accounting|Accounting Or Financial Services} {{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Online Presence}|{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Online Presence} {Successfully|Successfully With WordPress}}|{{The {Ultimate|Complete|Complete Step-By-Step|Step-By-Step}|A {Complete|Practical|Step-By-Step|Complete Step-By-Step|Practical Step-By-Step}} Guide {{To|To Successfully} {Building And Growing|Growing}|On How {To|To Successfully} {Grow|Build And Grow}}|How {To|To Successfully} {Grow|Build And Grow}} {Your|An} {Accounting|Accounting Or Financial Services} {{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Online Presence}|{Business Online|Web Presence|Website|Online Presence} {Using WordPress|With WordPress}}}

Grow Your Accounting Business Online With WordPress

This article focuses on helping accountants and financial service professionals grow their business online and contains useful information on ways to improve the effectiveness of your accounting or finance-related web presence ...

Where To Find The Best WordPress Themes

This tutorial shows you where to find many great free or premium WordPress themes for your online business, e-commerce store, website, or blog ...
{{How To Use|Using} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets|Widgets In WordPress}|How To {Add Widgets To|Add And Configure Widgets In} {{Your|The} {WordPress|WordPress Blog} {Sidebar|Sidebar {Menu|Area|Section}}|WordPress}|How To {Add WordPress Widgets To|Add And Configure WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}|{{Adding WordPress Widgets To|Adding And Configuring WordPress Widgets In} {Your|The} {Sidebar|{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Website|Blog|Site}}|{{Adding Widgets To|Configuring Widgets On|Adding And Configuring Widgets On} {Your|Your WordPress|The|The WordPress}|{{Adding|How To Add} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} To|{Configuring|How To Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On|{Adding And Configuring|How To Add And Configure} {Widgets|WordPress Widgets} On} {Your|Your Blog|The|The Blog|Your WordPress Blog|The WordPress Blog}} {{Sidebar|Sidebar Navigation} {Menu|Area|Section}|Sidebar}}

How To Use And Configure WordPress Widgets – Part 3

Learn how to add and configure a number of useful widgets on your WordPress sidebar ...
{How To Add|Add|Adding} Currency Conversion To {WordPress|{Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Website|Web Site|Site}}

How To Add Currency Conversion In WordPress

Learn how to easily add currency conversion to your WordPress website or blog using a free WordPress plugin called Currencyr ...
How To Increase {Maximum File Upload Size In WordPress|WordPress File Upload Size|Your WordPress File Upload Size Limit}

How To Increase WordPress File Upload Size

Are you having trouble uploading files to your WordPress Media Library? This tutorial explains how to increase your WordPress file upload size limit ...
How To Set Up An Amazon S3 Account

How To Set Up An Amazon S3 Account

Learn about using Amazon S3 services and how to set up an Amazon S3 account to store your WordPress media files ...
{WordPress|WP} {Security|Security Basics|Security Overview}

WordPress Security Explained

Learn why WordPress is a secure web platform for building and running your business online ...
Thrive Leads - {{{WordPress|WP}|{WordPress|WP} {Split-Testing||A/B Testing|Faster}} {{List|Mail List|Mailing List}-Building Plugin|{Mailing|Mailing List|List} Builder}|{{List|Mail List|Mailing List}-Building Plugin|{Mailing|Mailing List|List} Builder} For {{WordPress|WP}|{WordPress|WP} {Users|Sites}|Conversion-Focused {WordPress|WP} {Users|Sites}|{Boosting|Faster|{Hyper-Targeted|Hyper Targeted}} {{WordPress|WP} {Opt-In Form|Subscriber List|Mailing List} Conversions|{WordPress|WP} Conversions}}}

Thrive Leads: List-Building Plugin For WordPress

Thrive Leads is a conversion-focused email list-building plugin for WordPress that helps you build your mailing list faster ...
{WPCourseware|WP Courseware} - {Learning Management System Courseware Plugin For WordPress|Online Course Creation {Software|Plugin For WordPress|WordPress Plugin}|WordPress Course Creation Plugin|WordPress {Learning|Course} {Management|Management System} Plugin|Online {Learning|Course} {Management|Management System} Plugin For WordPress}

WP Courseware – WordPress eLearning Management Plugin

WP Courseware is a leading WordPress course management system plugin that lets you easily create and manage online courses, training membership sites, and how-to information products ...

How To Set Up Google Alerts

Learn how to easily set up Google Alerts and receive email alerts from Google based on specific keywords you would like to track ...
{WordPress And Content Marketing|Content Marketing With WordPress}

Content Marketing With WordPress

This tutorial series explores content marketing strategies and types of content you can publish on your WordPress site or blog to drive more traffic and grow your business ...
How To Sell {Your Products|Products} Online With WordPress

How To Sell Your Products Online With WordPress

Learn how to sell your products online with WordPress in our WordPress eCommerce tutorial series ...
WordPress Troubleshooting Guide

WordPress Troubleshooting Guide

Learn how to troubleshoot and fix common WordPress errors using our WordPress Troubleshooting Guide ...

Index Of WordPress Tutorials

Best Free WordPress Resource For Non-Coders provides free WordPress tutorials for beginners and non-coders!

Our step-by-step WordPress tutorials are designed to help website owners who are non-coders … business owners, bloggers, etc. Our tutorials require no coding skills, follow a logical step-by-step sequence, and are designed to help you understand the benefits of using WordPress, learn how to planinstall, and configure a WordPress site or blog on your domain, and show you how to use, expand, customize, manage, optimize, secure, and grow your WordPress site and business online, saving you considerable time and money in the process.

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Hundreds Of WordPress Tutorials For Beginners …

Most visitors arriving on are searching online for information on:

  • How to create a website for your business with WordPress from scratch
  • Fastest way to learn WordPress
  • WordPress guide for beginners
  • How to use WordPress (e.g. how to edit WordPress menus)
  • How to back up WordPress
  • How to get more web traffic with WordPress
  • WordPress security tips
  • Digital Marketing Skills Training
  • etc.

We have hundreds of detailed step-by-step WordPress tutorials covering all of the above and more!

Don’t Pay For WordPress Training Courses – Is 100% FREE! provides hundreds of expertly written WordPress tutorials covering everything you need to know to build, manage and grow a business online using WordPress for FREE!

Over 10 years of experience building WordPress sites and teaching WordPress to businesses of all sizes have gone into creating our detailed step-by-step tutorials. If you are looking for a digital skills training course that will empower the people in your business to help you take full control of your digital presence, we guarantee you will not find a better course on WordPress anywhere else!

A Complete WordPress Curriculum

We not only provide a compendium of WordPress tutorials for beginners and non-coders, but also an ever-expanding training curriculum that includes hundreds of detailed WordPress step-by-step tutorials covering everything you need to know to build, manage, and grow a successful web presence with minimal cost and no coding skills required … for FREE!

Our WordPress tutorial modules cover the following:

An Introduction To WordPress

WordPress Overview

Don’t know what WordPress is or how it can help your business? This training module provides an overview of WordPress. Learn what WordPress is, why it’s used by millions of websites worldwide, and the many benefits of using WordPress to grow a successful business presence online.

Website Planning

Website Planning TutorialsBefore you can build your website or blog, you need to do some planning and research. These tutorials show you how to save time and money developing a plan for your website and a content marketing strategy for your business.

How To Install WordPress

Complete Guide To WordPress InstallationYou don’t need coding or programming skills to create a website using WordPress. This training module shows you step-by-step how to install WordPress on your domain with minimal cost and no coding skills required. We take you through the pre-installation and installation process.

How To Configure WordPress

WordPress Configuration TutorialsAfter installing WordPress, it’s time to set up and configure your website. This training module shows you step-by-step how to configure your WordPress settings and how to integrate your site with other essential services that will help to drive traffic automatically to your website.

How To Use WordPress

WordPress Step-By-Step For BeginnersOnce your website is fully set up and configured, all you (or your staff) need to do is learn how to use WordPress. This training module not only shows you how to use all of the main features and functions of WordPress, it is also full of practical examples that you can apply to your own website or blog.

How To Improve WordPress With Plugins

WordPress PluginsLearn how to improve, extend, enhance, and expand the functionality of your WordPress site with plugins that can instantly transform your web presence into anything you can imagine and everything you need your website to do … all with just a few clicks!

How To Customize WordPress

Comprehensive Guide To Customizing WordPressLearn how to customize the look and feel of your website without having to hire web developers. The tutorials in this training module take you as far as you can go without touching code and then point you in the right direction if you need further customization done on your site.

How To Manage WordPress

Comprehensive Guide To WordPress ManagementWordPress maintenance is vital to keeping your WordPress site up-to-date and fully protected. Learn how to easily manage and maintain your own web presence, how to keep your WordPress site, themes, and plugins up-to-date, how to backup your WordPress files and database with automated tools, and how to troubleshoot common WordPress errors.

How To Optimize WordPress

How To Optimize WordPress TutorialsLearn how to optimize your WordPress site for serving faster-loading pages, improving your search engine results, and providing users with a better online experience.

WordPress Security

WordPress Security TutorialsKeeping your WordPress site secure is very important. Learn about WordPress security and how to keep your WordPress site and your entire digital presence secure and protected from hackers, malicious users, and malware.

WordPress Business Strategies

Grow Your Business OnlineLearn how to get better results online with WordPress, like more online exposure, better search engine rankings, more traffic, more subscribers, more sales, etc. and how to monetize your WordPress site to generate additional revenue.

Click Here To See A List Of All WordPress Tutorials

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Originally published as Free WordPress Tutorials For Beginners Step-By-Step.