How To Use WordPress Tutorials

How To Use WordPress Tutorials -

How To Use WordPress

After your WordPress site has been installed and expertly configured, the next step is to begin learning how to use it.

Note: Most of the tutorials in this module have been moved to The Complete WordPress Step-By-Step User Manual.

WordPress ‘How To’ Tutorial Modules

Click on the tutorial modules below to learn more about the basics of using WordPress:

How To Use WordPress Tutorials -

WordPress 101

Basic WordPress 'how-tos' that every WordPress user should know ... - New And Updates

WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to use WordPress Posts and Pages ...
WordPress Media

WordPress And Media

Learn how to use media with WordPress ...
Mobile WordPress

WordPress Mobile App

Learn how to use the WordPress mobile app ...
WordPress Gutenberg - The Ultimate Guide For Non-Techies

WordPress Gutenberg – The Ultimate Guide For Non-Techie WordPress Users

This comprehensive guide for non-technical users explains everything you need to know about the new WordPress Gutenberg content editor ...

WordPress ‘How To’ Tutorials

View all WordPress ‘how to’ tutorials below:

WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)

The WordPress Gutenberg Content Editor

Learn about the WordPress Gutenberg content editor interface and its main features in this comprehensive tutorial for non-technical users ...
Link image

How To Use The WordPress Internal Linking Tool

Learn about the SEO benefits of internal linking and how to create internal links in posts and pages using the WordPress linking tool ...
How To Edit Your WordPress User Profile

How To Edit Your WordPress User Profile

Learn how to edit your user profile and configure other personal information on your WordPress site or blog ...
{Where To Find|Find|Finding|How To Find|Where To Search For} {Free And Royalty-Free|Free|Royalty-Free} {Images For Your {Content|Web Content|Posts And Pages|Pages And Posts}|Web Content Images|Content Images}

Where To Find Free And Royalty-Free Images For Your Posts And Pages

Here is a comprehensive list of resources where you can browse for free and royalty-free images for your web content ...
The WordPress Dashboard

The WordPress Dashboard

Learn about the WordPress dashboard and how to navigate your way around inside the WordPress administration area ...
How To Reset Your WordPress Password

How To Reset Your WordPress Password

Learn how to retrieve a lost, misplaced or forgotten password or username in order to regain access to your website or blog ...
How To Add And Format Images In WordPress

How To Add And Format Images In WordPress

Learn how to add and format images to WordPress posts and pages in this tutorial ...
How To Find Your WordPress Page And Post IDs

How To Find Your WordPress Page And Post IDs

Learn how to easily find a WordPress post or page ID and why knowing how to locate your post and page IDs can be useful ...
How To Use The WordPress Media Library

How To Use The WordPress Media Library

The WordPress media library lets you store and publish different media content on your site. This tutorial shows you how to use the WordPress media library ...
WordPress Posts vs WordPress Pages

WordPress Posts Vs. WordPress Pages Explained

Learn about the main differences between WordPress posts and WordPress pages and when to use posts or pages to publish your content online ...
Girl staring at laptop looking frustrated.

How To Use WordPress Autosave And Post Revisions

Learn how to use the WordPress autosave and post revisions feature to restore and recover content revisions in your posts and pages ...
WordPress Blogger

How To Edit And Delete WordPress Posts

Learn how to edit and delete WordPress posts. This article takes you through all the different sections of the WordPress Table of Posts ...
How To Use The Press This WordPress Tool

How To Use The Press This WordPress Tool

Learn how to create and curate content for your WordPress site quickly and easily using the Press This bookmarklet tool ...
How To Use WordPress Custom Menus

How To Use And Customize WordPress Menus

Learn how to create, use, and customize WordPress menus ...
The Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners

Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners

The Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners provides FREE in-depth step-by-step tutorials on how to use WordPress to publish content online quickly and easily ...
WordPress Roundup: New Resources For WordPress Users

WordPress Roundup #4: Resources For WordPress Users

Here are the latest products creating a buzz with WordPress users ...
WordPress Widgets - A Practical Guide For Non-Techies

WordPress Widgets – A Practical Guide For Non-Techies

Widgets are one of the main basic buiding blocks of WordPress and one of its most powerful and versatile features ...
How To Add An Image Gallery To WordPress

How To Add An Image Gallery To WordPress

Want to insert multiple images into your WordPress posts and pages? Learn how to add an image gallery using the WordPress image gallery feature ...
WordPress Tutorial

How To Add Featured Images To WordPress Posts

Learn how to add featured images to your WordPress posts and pages ...
WordPress Roundup: New Resources For WordPress Users

WordPress Roundup #3: Resources For WordPress Users

Discover the latest products creating a buzz with WordPress users ...
How To Make Sticky Posts In WordPress

How To Make WordPress Posts Sticky

Learn what a sticky post is and how to make WordPress posts sticky ...
WordPress Content Editor Interface - Settings Section

WordPress Content Editor Interface – Settings Section

Learn how to use the Settings section of the WordPress Gutenberg content editor ...
WordPress post categories screen.

Using WordPress Post Categories

Learn what categories are, how to use categories to improve your content navigation and SEO, and how to add, edit, and delete WordPress categories ...
How To Schedule Posts In WordPress

How To Schedule WordPress Posts

Learn how to schedule WordPress posts for publishing your content at a later (or earlier) date ...
JavaScript Snippet

How To Insert Code And Scripts Into WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to add code and scripts to content in your WordPress posts and pages ...
How To Use The WordPress Mobile App

How To Use The WordPress Mobile App – Settings

Learn how to use the WordPress Mobile App's Settings section ...
How To {Add Posts|Post} To WordPress {Via|Using} Email

How To Add Posts To WordPress Via Email

Did you know that you can publish posts to WordPress using email? Learn how to add posts to WordPress via email in this tutorial ...
WordPress User Manual: How To Create A Post In WordPress

WordPress User Manual: How To Create A Post In WordPress

Learn how to create an effective post in WordPress. ...
WordPress Tools Menu

How To Use The WordPress Tools Menu

This tutorial explains how to use the WordPress Tools menu ...
Copyright symbol.

How To Insert Special Characters Into WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to insert special characters and symbols into your WordPress posts and pages ...
The WordPress Screen Options Tab

The WordPress Screen Options Tab

Learn about the WordPress Screen Options tab in this tutorial ...
How To Install WordPress Plugins

How To Install WordPress Plugins Via The WordPress Dashboard

Learn how to install and active plugins on your WordPress site via the WordPress dashboard ...

WordPress Gutenberg Content Editor – How To Use Blocks

New to WordPress? Learn what 'blocks' are, how to use blocks in the WordPress Gutenberg content editor and what blocks are available to WordPress users ...
How To Create A Site Map With Post Images And Descriptions In WordPress

How To Create A Site Map With Post Images And Descriptions In WordPress

Learn how to create an HTML site map with post images and descriptions for your visitors without touching code in this WordPress 'quick tips' tutorial ...
WordPress Gutenberg Content Editor Interface - Editing Toolbar

WordPress Content Editor Interface – Editing Toolbar

Learn how to use the editing toolbar section of the WordPress Gutenberg content editor ...
How To Use The WordPress Mobile App

How To Use The WordPress Mobile App – Comments

Learn how to use the WordPress Mobile App's Comments section ... - Free WordPress Tutorials For Beginners

Free Learn WordPress Tutorials For Beginners Step-By-Step Site Launched

Press Release - offers expert guidance & step-by-step advice on how to improve your business web presence. Learn WordPress with no coding skills required ...
How To Create A Post In WordPress - Pt. 2

How To Create A WordPress Post – Pt. 2

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and publish a new post on your WordPress site or blog ...
Post Author

How To Change Post Authors In WordPress

Learn how to change post authors in WordPress ...
WordPress Content Editor Interface - Content Area

WordPress Content Editor Interface – Content Area

Learn how to use the content area of the WordPress Gutenberg content editor ...
Create a new post in WordPress

How To Create A WordPress Post – Pt. 1

This tutorial series shows you how to create a new WordPress post. Part 1 focuses on helping you understand the Post screen and its sections ...
How To Split Long WordPress Posts Into Multiple Pages

How To Split Long WordPress Posts Into Multiple Pages

Learn how to split a long WordPress post into smaller sections and add auto-pagination using the WordPress nextpage tag and WordPress pagination plugins ...
A Basic Guide To HTML Formatting For WordPress Users

A Basic Guide To HTML For WordPress Users

Learn basic HTML formatting you can use to format content in your posts and pages ...
{How {To|To Automatically} {Update|Upgrade} And Delete|{Updating|Upgrading} And Deleting} {WordPress {Plugins|Plugins Safely|Plugins In {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|Plugins Safely {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}}|Plugins|Plugins Safely|Plugins {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|Plugins Safely {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|{Plugins|Plugins Safely} In WordPress}

How To Update WordPress Plugins

Learn how to easily update all of your plugins inside your WordPress dashboard ...
How To Add Audios In WordPress

How To Add Audios In WordPress

Want to add audio files and podcasts to your WordPress posts and pages? This tutorial shows you how to add audios in WordPress ...
How To Use WordPress Post Excerpts

How To Use WordPress Excerpts

Learn how to use post excerpts to display content summaries in various sections of your WordPress website or blog ...

Using WordPress Post Tags

Learn how to add tags to your WordPress posts in this tutorial ...
How To Add An Events Calendar To WordPress

How To Add An Events Calendar To WordPress

Learn how to add a calendar of events to your WordPress website or blog and how to schedule events ...

WordPress Tutorials Index

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"If you're new to WordPress, this can stand on its own as a training course and will stay with you as you progress from beginner to advanced and even guru status." - Bruce (Columbus, Ohio)

Originally published as How To Use WordPress Tutorials.