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Do You Sell WordPress?

Advertise Your WordPress Services On

Do you provide WordPress services or products like:

  • WordPress Web Development
  • Web Design
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Consulting, SEO
  • WordPress Support
  • WordPress Maintenance
  • WordPress Customizations
  • WordPress Plugins
  • WordPress Themes
  • or anything else related to WordPress?

We Can Help You Sell More WordPress Services And Products & Get More Clients Or Customers publishes high-quality, detailed articles and step-by-step tutorials designed to educate businesses and online users about the benefits of using WordPress.

We have already published hundreds of detailed WordPress tutorials on this site. Each article and tutorial on this site provides an opportunity to expose your products and services to a wider, growing online audience of prospective customers. is growing and attracting more visitors and new WordPress users every day. We can help your WordPress-related business get more exposure online, drive more leads and targeted prospects to your website, and get more clients for your services and products.

As we make all of our content freely available to gain the widest exposure possible, we rely on advertising, affiliate marketing, and donations to cover our costs.

We offer the following options to advertise and promote your business, products, or services on

  • Banner Advertising
  • Content Feature
  • Directory Listings

More detail on each of these options is available below:

Banner Advertising

This section contains information about our banner advertising options, including banner ad locations, pricing, additional info, etc.

Banner Advertising Locations

Banner ads display in the locations shown in the screenshots below: Banner Advertising Locations Banner Advertising Locations

( Banner Advertising Locations)

Banner Advertising Pricing

Ad TypeLocationPer Month (USD)
468x60Top & Bottom Of Posts$240
250x250Sitewide (sidebar)$180
125x125Sitewide (sidebar)$80

Banner Advertising Info

  • Ads must be for WordPress-related products or services. We reserve the right to decline requests for products or services that do not comply with our advertising guidelines or that provide no benefit to WordPress users.
  • Banner images must be supplied by the advertiser in correct sizes and formats (.jpg or png).
  • We can match 468×60 banners to related content categories for better targeting.
  • Includes access to campaign details, statistics, etc.

How To Purchase Banner Advertising

  1. Decide which banner advertising sizes you would like to purchase (468×60, 250×250, 125×125). We offer a 25% discount on additional banner campaign purchases (e.g. for split-testing ads).
  2. Advertising can be purchased on a monthly or annual basis. We offer a 10% discount if ads are purchased annually. Choose monthly or annual billing.
  3. Do you provide an affiliate program for your product or service? We offer an additional 5% discount if you allow to promote your banners using an affiliate link.
  4. Please contact us to discuss your advertising campaign options using the form at the bottom of this page. Once details of your campaign have been discussed and agreed upon, we will send you instructions for payment.
  5. After payment has been made, we will send you additional information (e.g. login details for ad stats and reports) and begin running your banner ad campaigns.

*** Banner Advertising – Limited Time Offer ***

Purchase any banner advertising on and get a FREE Featured listing on our WordPress Services Directory (value = $125 p/year). Offer expires July 31, 2019.

Content Feature

In addition to banner advertising, we can also feature your WordPress product in our content. This is an ideal way to gain more exposure online for WordPress plugins or themes.

We offer the following Content Feature options:

  • Dedicated Tutorial
  • Overview
  • Featured Theme 
  • Reference Link

More detail on each of these options is available below:

Dedicated Tutorial provides comprehensive tutorials that educate users about the benefits of using WordPress products.

We will create a comprehensive tutorial featuring your product with detailed step-by-step instructions, screenshots, links to your site, and include the following sections:

  • Introduction and context (i.e. what issues, problems or challenges users experience in areas of their business that your product can help solve or address).
  • Overview and description of your plugin, theme, or resource.
  • Benefits and features.
  • How to install, configure, and use.
  • Useful and practical tips.
  • Additional information (e.g. comparison of different editions, lists of add-ons)
  • Additional content supplied by you (e.g. promo videos, infographics, downloadable file).

The tutorial will be published on its own URL and linked to from other related tutorials on

To view examples of dedicated tutorials, click on the links below:

Dedicated Tutorial Information
  • We charge a one-time upfront fee of US$650 (plus 10% GST) to create a detailed and well researched written tutorial about your WordPress plugin, theme, or resource.
  • We offer a 10% discount if you provide an affiliate program and allow to link to your site using affiliate links in the content.
  • Our tutorials average anywhere between +2,000 to +5,000 words or more and require at least 5-7 days to create.
  • Any additional info you would like added, mentioned, or promoted in the content (e.g. promo videos, downloadable guides, etc.) must be supplied and hosted by you.
  • The content will remain published indefinitely on and become part of our WordPress training library. We retain exclusive rights to the content.

{Info|Important|Important Info|Useful {Information|Info}}

Plugin Developers: For additional information about getting a tutorial about your plugin to’s training library, go here:

Add Your WordPress Plugin Tutorial To

How To Order A Dedicated Tutorial

If you would like WPCompendium to create a detailed tutorial about your WordPress plugin, theme, or resource, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Contact us to discuss your content and campaign using the form at the bottom of this page.
  2. Once your content and campaign have been discussed and agreed, we’ll send you instructions for payment.
  3. Once payment has been received, we’ll prioritize and commence working on your content (est. completion time = 5-7 business days).

*** SPONSOR Package – Special Offer ***

We also provide a special “sponsor” package offer for a limited number of advertisers that includes:

  • Dedicated tutorial (value = US$650).
  • A professionally written press release distributed to hundreds of authoritative online news and media outlets (value = US$495).
  • 12 months of 250×250 sitewide banner ads (value = US$2,160).
  • Premium listing on our WordPress Services Directory (value = $295 p/year).

Total value = US$3,600.

Special “Sponsor” package price = US$3,150 (plus 10% GST).

Overview (Included In Tutorials)

Many of our tutorials include lists, overviews, and descriptions of WordPress plugins that users can install to perform the functions described in the tutorial.

Overviews typically include 1-3 screenshots, an overview and description of the main benefits and advantages of the product, and links to the website for more information.

  • We charge a one-time upfront fee of US$250 to add an overview of your WordPress product to a tutorial.
  • We offer a 10% discount if you provide an affiliate program and allow to link to your site using an affiliate link.

For examples of lists and overviews, see the tutorials below:

Featured WordPress Theme

Are you a WordPress theme developer? Would you like to have your theme listed in one of our “best themes for …” articles or tutorials?

  • We charge a one-time upfront fee of US$150 to add your WordPress theme to the content.
  • We offer a 10% discount if you provide an affiliate program and allow to link to your site using an affiliate link.

To view an example of our WordPress theme articles, go here:

Reference/In-text Link (Included In Tutorials)

Many of the tutorials on this site link to useful WordPress plugins, tools, services, and resources. Links normally use bold anchor text and will either point externally to other sites or internally to other tutorials on our site.

If you have authored a useful WordPress plugin or theme and would like us to consider link to it in a related tutorial, contact us with the following information:

  • Brief description about your plugin or theme and URL (and suggested anchor text),
  • Budget/amount you’re willing to pay or donate for adding the link,
  • Which tutorial (and where in the content) you see your link being added,
  • Let us know if you offer an affiliate program (we prefer to link to sites through an affiliate link if possible).

We’ll review your request and get back to you.

Directory Listing - WordPress Services Directory

( – WordPress Services Directory)

We understand that most businesses are short of time and need help or want ‘done-for-you’ services from WordPress experts and professionals.

As we are a WordPress education site only, we are also currently developing a WordPress Services Directory for businesses that provide services that can benefit WordPress users like web development, web design, website management, web maintenance, technical support, online marketing, WordPress plugins, themes, etc.

Our WordPress Services Directory is search optimized and allows you to add a detailed description of your business, services, or products with images, links, videos, contact details with geolocation and more!

Many of our tutorials refer users to our directory for expert and professional WordPress services. Please consider listing your WordPress-related service, product, tool, plugin, theme, or resource in our directory.

Directory Listing Options

We offer the following directory listing options:

ListingDescriptionPrice (USD)
Basic12 months listing (1 category)$15
Standard12 months listing (4 categories)$45
Featured12 months listing (6 categories), 3 months Featured Categories$125
Premium12 months listing (8 categories), 6 months Featured Categories, 3 months Featured Home Page$295
Sponsor12 months listing (8 categories), 6 months Featured Categories, 6 months Featured Home Page, 12 months 250x250 banner ads on and Press Release written and distributed to hundreds of news and media outlets.$2,695

Note: Listing in our WordPress services directory is currently by request or invitation only.

To list your business in our WordPress services directory, please use the form below and include a username for your account. We will create and send you login details allowing you to purchase your listing and add your details to our directory.

Benefits Of Advertising & Promoting Your Business On

  • We have hundreds of tutorials published and rank highly for many WordPress-related terms and keywords.
  • We’ll help you get your WordPress product or service in front of thousands of visitors and WordPress users each month with our banner advertising and featured content options.
  • We can create a detailed tutorial about your WordPress plugin, theme, service, tool, or resource. In addition to featuring your content on and incorporating it into our WordPress training library, we will also promote the content tutorial online. Additionally, WordPress users will be able to access it through our WordPress User Tutorials plugin.
  • We offer reasonably priced advertising and a complete and dedicated personal service.
  • We only work with a limited number of advertising partners. The more grows, the more traffic and exposure we will help you get!

As a WordPress education and training website, our aim is to build long-term relationships with advertising partners who can add value and provide complementary services to our users. We are committed to helping your WordPress product or service get more exposure online with

Advertise on and get your WordPress business, product, or service in front of potential new clients and WordPress users!

Contact us using the form below to discuss your advertising needs and work out the best solution to suit your budget.

[contact-form subject=’Advertising Enquiry –’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Message’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Originally published as Advertise On