WordPress Troubleshooting Help Resources

Need additional help fixing errors on your WordPress site? Here is a list of helpful WordPress troubleshooting help resources!

WordPress Troubleshooting ToolsThis tutorial is part of our WordPress Management tutorial series. In this tutorial, we provide a list of helpful WordPress troubleshooting help resources!

To view all of our WordPress troubleshooting tutorials, go here:


WordPress Troubleshooting Help Resources

As the focus of WPCompendium.org is to empower WordPres beginners and non-coders to take control of their digital presence, it is simply beyond the scope of our tutorials to provide exhaustive tutorials on how to fix everything that can go wrong when running a website, especially when some of these fixes require advanced knowledge of WordPress or coding skills.

For this reason, the section below outlines the steps you can take and useful resources you can access for help and helpful information on how to troubleshoot WordPress errors and fix other problems with your site that we have not covered in our tutorials.


  • Most of the resources listed in this section can be accessed for free.
  • Some of the sites may require you to register as a member in order to access help and information.

If the solutions and suggestions presented in our WordPress Troubleshooting Guide or other tutorials haven’t helped you address the issues or problems that you are experiencing with WordPress, here are some additional places you can go for help or to search for solutions:

Search Google

If you get an error message, copy the generic component of the error message (i.e. do not include your domain or specific file names that are unique to your installation) and paste the string into the Google search field. Enclose the search string with quotation marks to bring back results containing your specific search terms …

WordPress Troubleshooting Tutorials

Go through the results and see if you can find a solution. If you can’t find a solution, continue with the next step, as shown below.

Useful Tip

Tip: If you’re looking for a solution that resembles more of a tutorial than a specific fix (i.e. a “how to”), visit YouTube.com and try searching for a video on the subject.

Free WordPress Support

WordPress provides extensive documentation and a support forum. See the sites below if you need help:

  • WordPress Documentation – This is the official WordPress documentation site (called the WordPress Codex). Note: The WordPress documentation can be fairly technical and the content often includes instructions that require knowledge of coding (e.g. PHP).
  • WordPress Support Forum – This is a free support forum for WordPress users. You can get your questions answered for free here by members of the WordPress community, web developers, web designers, etc.

WordPress Support Forum

(WordPress Support Forum)

You can also search through these additional WordPress documentation resources:


Note: Before posting your questions on the WordPress forum you will need to register as a user. There is no cost to register.

WordPress Developer Help & Support

If you have purchased a premium WordPress or Theme and you suspect these may be causing you issues, visit the developer’s help desk or support site.

Many Free WordPress plugins also provide forums for discussing support issues and troubleshooting errors …

Troubleshooting WordPress Errors

Additional WordPress Help Resources

You can also try searching through sites like Yahoo Answers and Google Helpouts

Google Helpouts

You can also join groups in social media networks that focus on helping WordPress users. For example, LinkedIn offers a number of helpful WordPress groups that you can join for free …

LinkedIn Groups

You can join a WordPress discussion group on LinkedIn, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

Join A WordPress Discussion Group

(Join A WordPress Discussion Group)

Contact Your Webhosting Company

If you cannot find a solution using the previous steps, contact your webhosting company for advice and/or assistance. Often, they will be able to assist you if the problem is related to settings or configurations on your server.

WordPress Services Directory

Visit our WordPress Services Directory and search through our directory of professional WordPress service providers. We have set up this directory to help WordPress users find services related to WordPress like web development, web designers, WordPress support, WordPress site management, blog installation and setup services, etc.

WPServicesDirectory.com - WordPress Services Directory(WPServicesDirectory.com – WordPress Services Directory)

Note: As the directory is still very new, you may not see many listings when you visit. If you provide professional WordPress services and would like to list your business in our directory, please go here for more information.

Hopefully, the above information will help you troubleshoot and fix errors with WordPress and better manage your website or blog.

WordPress Troubleshooting Tools

(Source: Pixabay)


"Wow! I never knew there's so much to learn about WordPress! I bought one of the WordPress for Dummies three years ago, such authors need to be on this course!" - Rich Law, Create A Blog Now
