WordPress Customization Video Tutorials

Learn how to access our library of WordPress customization video tutorials.

WordPress Customization Video Tutorials

WordPress Customization Video Tutorials

Although we have hundreds of video lessons to accompany our detailed written WordPress tutorials, due to licensing restrictions, we cannot display these videos for free on WPCompendium.org.

We do, however, provide an extensive library of video courses and video tutorials at WPMasterclasses.com.

WPMasterclasses.com gives you access to dozens of quality video courses and hundreds of video tutorials on WordPress and digital business skills with links to WPCompendium.org’s comprehensive WordPress step-by-step tutorials plus additional resources, downloadable templates, and more!

WPMasterclasses.com - Improve your digital business skills with quality video training courses at affordable prices!

(WPMasterclasses.com – Video courses on WordPress and digital business!)

At WPMasterclasses.com, you can find video courses related to customizing WordPress, like the ones listed below:

How To Use CSS

How To Use CSS - WPMasterclasses.com

(How To Use CSS video course)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows you to control how web pages and page elements display on your screen. This video course shows you how to use CSS.

To learn more about this video course, go here: How To Use CSS

How To Use Layers WP

Using Layers WP

(Using Layers WP video course)

Learn how to use Layers WP, a powerful, flexible and user-friendly WordPress theme that lets you build professional and stunning websites easily using point-and-click.

To learn more about this video course, go here: Using Layers WP

Additional Video Courses

New video courses are regularly being added to WPMasterclasses.com. This includes video tutorials on customizing WordPress.

Scroll through the gallery below to view some of the video courses you can access on WPMasterclasses.com:

(WPMasterclasses.com – WordPress & Digital Business Video Courses)

Become A WPMasterclasses.com Member

WPMasterclasses.com also offers an ‘ALL ACCESS PASS’ membership that gives you 24/7 access to ALL video courses and video lessons and tutorials in our extensive video training library for one low annual subscription …

All Access Pass Membership - Unlimited Video Course Access

(All Access Pass Membership – Unlimited Video Course Access)

For more information about this special video course membership offer, go here:


This tutorial is part of our WordPress customization step-by-step training module, where we show you how to customize your WordPress site or blog.


"This is AMAZING! I had learnt about how to use WordPress previously, but this covers absolutely everything and more!! Incredible value! Thank you!" - Monique, Warrior Forum


Originally published as WordPress Customization Video Tutorials.