WordPress Database Management Tutorials

WordPress Management Tutorials - WordPress Database Management

WordPress Management: Database Management Tutorials

All WordPress data is stored inside a database on your server. Proper management of your WordPress database, therefore, is vitally important. This section of the WordPress Management Tutorials module contains tutorials on managing your WordPress database.


Some tutorials in this module may require editing your WordPress template or server files. If you need help modifying template or server files please contact a professional or experienced WordPress user for assistance (learn where to get help with WordPress).

Important: Always do a backup of your WordPress site (files and data) before modifying any files. If you don’t want to back up your data manually, then consider getting support services from a WordPress professional, or use WordPress backup plugins.

You can learn more about a WordPress backup plugin that we recommend using to completely automate your backups here:

Click below to view tutorials on WordPress database management:

Backup Creator - {Backup|Back Up}, {Clone|Duplicate} {And|&} {Protect Your {WordPress|WP} {Website|Websites|Site|Sites|Web Site|Web Sites|Websites And Blogs}|Keep Your {WordPress|WP} {Website|Websites|Site|Sites|Web Site|Web Sites|Websites And Blogs} Protected}

Backup Creator – WordPress Backup Plugin

Backup Creator is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to backup your WordPress data, clone your websites, and protect your sites against data loss ...
How To Do A Global Search And Replace In WordPress

How To Do A Global Search And Replace In WordPress

Learn how to perform a global search and replace in WordPress without touching code ...
{{Monitor|Monitoring|How To Monitor} The Health Of Your WordPress Site From Your WordPress Dashboard|{Monitor|Monitoring|How To Monitor} WordPress Site Health From Your WordPress Dashboard}

Monitor Website Health From Your WordPress Dashboard

In this tutorial, we explore free WordPress plugins that can help you monitor your website's health from your WordPress dashboard ...
{{WordPress|WP} {Tutorial|For Beginners}|{Learn|Learn To Use|Learn How To Use} {WordPress|WP}}

How To Change The Admin Username In WordPress

The default WordPress username admin poses a security risk to your WordPress site. Learn how to change the admin username in WordPress for improved security ...
How To Reset Your WordPress Password

How To Reset Your WordPress Password

Learn how to retrieve a lost, misplaced or forgotten password or username in order to regain access to your website or blog ...

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If videos are your preferred method of learning, visit WPMasterclasses.com for dozens of video courses and 2,000+ video tutorials on WordPress and digital business.

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"I was absolutely amazed at the scope and breadth of these tutorials! The most in-depth training I have ever received on any subject!" - Myke O'Neill, DailyGreenPost.com

Originally published as WordPress Database Management Tutorials.