Explaindio – Animated Video Creation Tool

Explaindio lets you easily create animated and hand-drawn whiteboard sketch videos.

Explaindio – Animated Video Creation Tool

Explaindio - Animated Video Creation ToolIf you are looking for a powerful video creation software tool that can help you create 2D & 3D animated marketing, explainer, and training videos, doodle sketch videos, and motion videos, then here is a tool that can do this for you in minutes …


Explaindio - Video creation tool(Explaindio – Video creation tool)

Explaindio is an all-in-one video editor that lets you easily create HD videos with animation, hand-drawn doodle-sketch videos, combine text overlays, animated slides, and images with videos and more.

With the new v3 release, Explaindio brings some major updates and new features like:

  • Simultaneous multiple animations
  • Full multi-timeline editing
  • Full 3D animations
  • Import external 3D elements
  • 3D models and animation customization
  • 180+ pre-made text animation elements
  • 140+ pre-made video, image, doodle objects animations
  • Keyframe animation
  • And more …

The demo video below shows what you can do with Explaindio …

(Explaindio animated video creation tool)

Below are some testimonials from Explaindio users:

”When I was a producer of infomercials at Channel 5 in Las Vegas, we had $30,000 dollar room-length video consoles that couldn’t do a fraction of what Explaindio 3.0 can do right at your desktop… and at a micro-fraction of the cost. Essentially you have a video ad agency right at your fingertips where you are the producer and director. The leverage you get with this new video tool blurs the line between a pro video production suite and a little creativity at a home workstation. Explaindio 3.0 seriously rocks!” Michael Nicholas, VideoStreamMail.com

”Explaindio is a great tool which I have used for client projects as well as my own marketing. It’s simplicity allows me to be creative without having to learn difficult programs. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Explaindio.” Adam Binder, Viddio.net

”Explaindio is the beast of video creator software. Why? You don’t need a team of computer folks. Using Explaindio in Crowdfunding projects and for grant applications was why I wanted to buy Explaindio…for our efforts in the biomedical research arena & fundraising part of it as well. Now creating a video from Explaindio for the Clinton Foundation related to a plant-based process we created to get rid of heavy metals in drinking water. Finally, being on the Explaindio’s Facebook page helps for sure, as you can see what others are doing….a nice community for a beast of a video creator software.” Richard Guadalupe McDonald, GlobalHealthScienceInstitute.org

To learn more about this powerful video marketing tool, go here: Explaindio Video Creator

To learn more about promoting your content on WordPress using video creation tools like Explaindio, see this tutorial:


"This is an awesome training series. I have a pretty good understanding of WordPress already, but this is helping me to move somewhere from intermediate to advanced user!" - Kim Lednum
