As discussed in this article, HTML is one of the “code” languages used throughout the web, websites, blog pages and formatting your content.
You don’t have to learn HTML to use WordPress. WordPress has unique features like “themes”, “plugins” and “widgets” that let you manage your website without having to touch code, and a powerful, built-in visual editor that allows you to compose and easily format content just by clicking on a few menu buttons.
Even though you don’t have to know HTML to create and format content for your blog’s pages or posts thanks to the easy-to-use WordPress visual content editor, if you are trying to create more complex content elements such as highlighted segments, review tables, etc., then the WordPress content editor has a few limitations.
In this case, your options are:
- Learn some basic HTML
- Use a true visual content editor, such as the one discussed here: Discover The Fastest Way To Build Stunning Content In WordPress – Thrive Content Builder Review
- Use cut & paste HTML snippets to shortcut the learning process (see below).
In this post you will discover one of the simplest, fastest and easiest to use ways to shortcut the process of creating and adding content in WordPress web sites without becoming an HTML coding expert.
WPCheat – Create Web Content Faster
Product Description
If you want to add styled web content elements, such as advanced typography, section boxes, review pages, download pages and more, then we recommend a very time-saving cut & paste resource for WordPress users called WP Cheat …
WPCheat lets you immediately access a huge collection of pre-formatted web content elements that you can simply copy and paste straight into your text editor when creating pages and posts.
Basically, all that is required is selecting an element that you would like to add to your web content, copying the HTML code associated with the element, pasting it into your text editor, and then replacing any placeholder text with your own text to create your styled content …
For example, suppose that you would like to add a price table graphic like the one shown below …
All you have to do is first, find the pricing table file in WP Cheat, then select and copy all of the HTML content in the box below the object to your clipboard …
Next, paste the code into your WordPress post or page (inside the “Text” editor tab) …
Like most elements in WP Cheat, the price table is ready to edit with your own information, so make any changes required to customize the content …
Now, just save and publish and you’re done!
For more details, visit the product website here:
Benefits Of Using WP Cheat
Below are just a few of the benefits and advantages of using WP Cheat to to create great content without learning HTML on your web site:
Very Simple To Use
WP Cheat is not a WordPress plugin. It is a simple and easy to use product that consists of copy-and-paste code templates.
It Will Not Mess Up Your Site
Since you are just inserting text-based HTML code that WordPress fully accepts, your graphic elementswill keep their formatting and not get broken up by the WordPress editor.
Fast To Load
Most of the elements are built using text. This means that the content is easily editable, fast to load on your pages and easy for search engines to index.
(WP Cheat lets you insert elements like highlight boxes with icons into your content using copy and paste)
Product Features
Below we have listed just some of the features WP Cheat makes available to WP users:
Mobile Responsive Web Content Works In All WordPress Themes Or HTML Web Sites
Elements resize automatically to fit all screen sizes.
2,300+ HTML Copy And Paste Code Cheats For WordPress
You get access to 2,300+ templates …
(2,300+ copy and paste web page element templates for WordPress)
With WP Cheat, you can create product review pages, image galleries, styled lists, pages with pullquotes and formatted content, pricing tables, custom widgets and so much more.
Here is a summary of what you’ll get with WPCheat:
Product Summary:
The main product includes hundreds of web content elements with cross platform compatible fonts, in the following categories:
- 153 Paragraph Elements
- 36 Blog Elements
- 201 Styled Download Page Elements
- 54 Gallery Elements
- 249 Text Heading Elements
- 15 Basic Image & Text Link Elements
- 273 Text And Image-Based List Elements
- 72 Styled Pull Quotes
- 24 Colored Text Boxes With/Without Images
- 45 Text-Based Styled Sub Heading Elements
- 363 Typography Elements
- 125 Horizontal Lines In Various Auto-Sizing Widths
- 39 Styled Footer Elements
WP Cheat users also get these bonus snippets:
Bonus #1 – Sales Page Web Content Code Snippets
- 8 Styled Buy Boxes (in different colors)
- 8 Guarantee Boxes: 2 Styles with 30, 45, 60 & 90 day money-back guarantees
- 48 Highlight Boxes (in different color options)
- 20 Pricing Tables (in different colours and two or three columns)
- 12 Summary Boxes (in various colors)
- 99 Stackable Numbered Lists – Round Icon
- 96 Stackable Numbered Lists – Square Icon
- 54 Sales Letter Intros
- 342 Image Based List Elements
(Bonus #1 - Sales Page Cheats)
Bonus #2 – Review And Rating Code Templates
- 18 Review Pages
- 9 Star Rating Sets
(Bonus #2 Includes Product Review And Ratings Cheats)
Bonus #3 – Mini Graphics Pack
Included in this package are more than 5,000 mini graphics to break up text and highlight content. Mini GFX Bonus Pack categories include badges, gears, hearts, paper clips, shadows, ticks, etc.
(Bonus #3 Includes Thousands Of Graphics)
Bonus #4 – 125 Graphic Headings/Subheadings & Code Cheats
This bonus includes a collection of clean sales page headings and subheadings in PSD format (requires Photoshop or GIMP).
(Bonus #4 - 125 Graphic Headings/Subheadings And Code Cheats)
Bonus #5 – 15 Text Widget Content Elements
You can insert various content elements into your sidebars using WP text widgets, including biographies, ad spots, social media bars, news, link lists and more …
(Bonus #5 Includes WordPress Text Widget Cheats)
Feedback From Product Customers
Here are a couple of testimonials and comments product customers have submitted for the WPCheat product:
“I have been struggling to get a picture surrounded by text on one of my site pages, and had resorted to using a table structure to get my image to be in the right place. WPCheat solved that problem for me in minutes! Thank you for creating this software. It’s awesome!” Donna Lamb
“WP Cheat is also a great tool, when I understood that I could get rid of most of my graphic shortcode products (a “ahaaa” moment!) which are a big problem in case you want to deactivate them, there was no doubt that I would get it.” Alexandra Lemonnier
Useful Tips
The content elements included in WP Cheat can be modified and will work on all well-coded WordPress themes. Changing things like colour, size, spacing and alignment is a great way to learn the basics of HTML.
The template codes can be downloaded immediately after purchasing and include 1 year of updates and technical support, as well as hosted video tutorials. WP Cheat is backed by a no-risk, 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee.
Product Pricing
WP Cheat normally retails for $67. When we last checked, the product was being sold for $37 for a very limited time only.
Please Note: Price details for the WP Cheat product can vary, depending on whether there are any promotions or limited-time specials being offered. The above reflects the current pricing when this review was published. This may or may not be the actual price charged by the software developer when you visit the product website and there may be additional upsells or one-time offers after your purchase.
Check the product’s website for the latest price:
Additional Info
WP Cheat is designed to work on all versions of WordPress (Mac and PC). For a demo video showing how the software works, FAQs, customer helpdesk, contact details and more, visit the WPCheat website.
Download This Product …
If you need a fast, simple and easy-to-use shortcut for creating and adding content your pages and posts without learning HTML, then WP Cheat is a great product that you may want to consider purchasing.
For full details, visit the product website here: