How To Create To Do Lists In WordPress
When you are running a growing business, time always seems to be in short supply.
There are just so many things to do and remember. You have so many deadlines to meet, project tasks to complete, priorities to attend to, fires to put out, calls and appointments to make, commitments to keep and so on. The “doing” never seems to stop.
Now … add the extra dimension of promoting and growing your business online and maintaining your website or blog updated with new content and things can quickly start feeling unmanageable and chaotic.
Whether you run a business, website, blog, or manage a team, you need to be able to organize and manage your daily activities.
One simple proven method that can help you save time, create a sense of order and manageability, and allow you to gain some control is to use a “to-do” list.
The Benefits Of Using To-Do Lists
A “to do” list can help you track your progress as you work to get tasks completed. Your to do list can be detailed or specific, or act as a reminder of what needs to be done over a given period of time.
Here are just some of the benefits of using to do lists:
Free Up Resources
Writing a to-do list means that you don’t have to keep remembering things or clutter your mind with details. Once things are recorded on a to do list, your mind is free to process other information and you can focus on other important areas.
Manage Your Time Better
Prioritizing tasks on your list helps you save time and better manage your workload. You can develop a clearer perspective on what is truly important vs what isn’t, and what tasks should be done first.
Reorganize And Reschedule Quickly
Having a to-do list lets you better handle urgent situations. If you find that an appointment has been cancelled at short notice or extra time is made available when something gets completed sooner than expected, you can quickly reorganize or reschedule and continue moving forward with little to minimal loss of focus.
Reduce Stress
Stress can result from feeling overwhelmed by the fact that there is so much that needs doing and very little time to do it all in. Using a to-do list lets you prioritize urgent things that need to get done immediately, and reschedule non-urgent items that can be worked on at a later time. This can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and help to alleviate some of the stress you (and your team) may be feeling.
Better Delegation Of Work
Having to do lists help you assign tasks to other people better. This is also important when collaborating with others (see further below).
As you can see, there are many benefits to using to do lists, both in business and in your personal life. Creating a to-do list, then prioritizing tasks and working systematically improves your business efficiency and productivity.
Let’s turn now to using a to-do list on your website or blog. More specifically, adding a to-do list to WordPress.
In this step-by-step tutorial you are going to learn how to create to-do lists in WordPress to help your business grow faster and more efficiently using a customizable, multi-featured to do list plugin for WordPress called Cleverness To-Do List.
Cleverness To Do List
Download The Plugin
This WordPress plugin provides users with a to-do list feature.
Plugin Features
Note: the features listed below are discussed in more detail in the tutorial section.
You can configure Cleverness To Do List with private to-do lists for individual users, to have all users share the same to do list, or to have a master list with individual completion of items.
The shared to-do list has a variety of settings available. You can assign to do items to a specific user (this includes a setting to email new to-do items to the user) and optionally to have assigned items be viewable by that user. You can also assign different permission levels to different users based on user roles. There are also settings to show deadline and progress fields. Category support is included as well as front-end administration.
A new menu item is added to the admin backend to help you manage your lists and the to-do lists are also displayed on a dashboard widget.
A sidebar widget is available as well as shortcode to display the to-do list items on your blog. There are 2 short codes for front-end administration of the list. Management of categories is accessed through the back-end admin section.
If you plan to run a multi-author blog you can use this plugin to create custom to-do lists for your post editors if you also install a copy of the developer’s premium plugin, Post Planner.
How To Install The Cleverness To-Do List Plugin
In your WordPress admin, go to the menu and select Plugins > Add New …
In the Install Plugins screen, type in “cleverness” into the search field and click Enter …
Locate the Cleverness To-Do List entry in the Search Results section and click Install Now …
Click “Activate Plugin” …
Note: You can also activate this plugin from the Plugins screen …
Once the plugin has been activated, click on Settings …
Note: You can also get to the plugin’s ‘Settings’ area by choosing To-Do List > Settings from your admin menu …
This takes you to the plugin ‘Settings’ section …
The section below shows you how to set up the plugin …
Configuring The Plugin
The “To-Do List” plugin ‘Settings’ screen is divided into 4 tabs:
- To-Do List Settings – The options in this tab let you specify the plugin’s main settings.
- Advanced Settings – The options in this section let you customize to-do lists, assign tasks to other users and perform plugin database maintenance tasks.
- User Permissions – This area lets you configure user permissions and capabilities for Group and Master List types.
- Import/Export – In this tab you can import and export your to-do list data and plugin settings.
Let’s review each of these tabs.
To-Do List Settings
To-Do List Categories
Choose ‘Enabled’ to organize lists into categories, otherwise leave this option set to ‘Disabled’.
Note: When you enable this option, a ‘Categories’ item gets added to the To-Do List menu …
This allows you to add categories that you can then use to organize your to-do lists (see ‘Plugin Usage’ section further below for more details) …
You can set up ‘public’ and ‘private’ categories for your lists.
Private categories are not visible when using sidebar widgets or short codes (only when ‘Sort Order’ is set to ‘Category’)
List View
List View allows you to specify how your to-do lists will be viewed. You can select 3 types of list views:
- Individual – Use this option if you want each user to be able to create and manage their own private to-do list.
- Group – Select this option if you want all users to be able to share one to-do list.
- Master – This option allows you to have one master list for all users, where users have their own individual items to complete. If you select the ‘Master’ list view, make sure to configure the User Permissions appropriately in the ‘User Permissions’ tab (this is covered further below).
Sort Order
‘Sort Order’ lets you specify how your to-do list items will be sorted.
If you select Category, Alphabetical or ID, Category, ID or Alphabetical options, items will be first sorted by priority.
Show Added By
If enabled, you can display which members have added an item to the to-do list.
Note: This setting only applies when ‘List View’ is set to ‘Group’.
Show Date Completed
If this option is enabled (‘Yes’), completion dates will display for your to-do tasks.
Show Deadline
Enabling this option lets you specify deadlines for your to-do tasks …
Show Progress
If this option is enabled (‘Yes’), you can specify task progress indicators for your to-do items …
Show Admin Bar Menu
If this option is enabled, the ‘To-Do List’ menu displays in your WP Admin bar …
Use WYSIWYG Editor
This option lets you add and edit items on your to-do list using the WordPress WYSIWYG Editor …
Use Auto Paragraphs
Enable this option (‘Yes’) to display content in your to-do list items using paragraphs.
Integrate with Post Planner
If you plan to run a collaborative site or blog, you can integrate the Cleverness To-Do List plugin with a plugin called WordPress Post Planner, developed by the same author that provides you with a complete WordPress editorial solution …
To learn more about this plugin, visit this site: WordPress Post Planner
After you are done configuring your plugin options in this section, click the ‘Save Changes’ button to update your settings …
Advanced Settings
After configuring the settings in the To-Do List Settings tab, click on the ‘Advanced Settings’ tab …
This brings up the plugin’s ‘Advanced Settings’ area …
This section lets you customize your To Do lists, assign to-do items to users and perform database maintenance.
Let’s go through how to configure the plugin’s ‘Advanced Settings’ section …
To-Do List Advanced Settings > Customize The To-Do List
This section of the ‘Advanced Settings’ tab lets you customize your To-Do List …
The following options can be configured in this section:
Date Format
This section lets you specify how to display dates on your to-do lists (e.g. month/day/year, day/month/year, etc.)
Note: To learn more about how to format dates in WordPress, see the date section of the WordPress Codex below:
WordPress Codex – Formatting Date And Time
Priority Labels
This section lets you customize your labels for prioritizing highest, normal and lowest items …
Highest (important) priority items are color-coded in red in the lists and lowest (low) priority items display in a lighter shade of grey …
Show To-Do Item ID
Enabling this option (‘Yes’) will show the item’s ID on the list …
Show Date To-Do Was Added
If enabled, the date the to-do list was added will show on your To-Do Items table …
To-Do List Advanced Settings > Assign To-Do Items Settings
If you have chosen either ‘Group’ or ‘Master’ View for your to-do list, you can configure the options in this section and assign to-do items to other users …
The following settings can be configured in this section:
Assign To-Do Items to Users
Enabling this option (‘Yes’) lets you assign tasks to other users …
Note: This setting must be set to ‘Yes’ for the settings below it to work.
Show a User Only the To-Do Items Assigned to Them
Enable this option to display items only to users who have been specifically assigned those items. Leaving this option disabled (‘No’) displays to-do items to all users.
User Roles to Show
Check the boxes in this section Contributor to display the type of users that can be assigned to-do items. If you do not want to assign to-do items to a role, then don’t tick its check box.
Email Assigned To-Do Items to User
When this option is enabled (‘Yes’), WordPress automatically sends users an email with their assigned to-do items …
Leave this option disabled (‘No’) if you don’t want to send out emails to users.
Note: If this option is disabled, you can skip the other items in this section.
Add Category to Subject
If you have enabled categories in your plugin settings and select ‘Yes’ for this option, the to-do category will display on the subject of your emails …
Leave this option disabled (‘No’) if you don’t want to display to-do categories in the email subject.
If you don’t want to show to-do categories in the subject of your emails, then leave this option disabled.
Show Who Assigned the To-Do Item in Email
Enabling this option displays the user who assigned the to-do item in the email. This is a useful option if you have various project managers assigning to-do items to users …
From Field for Emails Sent to User
Use this field to customize the “From” field when sending out email notices. Enter your company name, your domain, your name, or anything you like in this field …
From Email
Add the email address that you would like showing as the “sent from” address …
Subject Field for Emails Sent to User
Type into this field a subject field for the email that will be sent out automatically to users when new items have been added in your to-do list …
Text in Emails Sent to User
Type in the body of the email message that will be sent out automatically to users when a new item has been assigned to your to-do list.
To-Do List Advanced Settings > Database Cleanup
This section lets you carry out database maintenance operations associated with plugin data inside the plugin settings area without having to log into your web server …
This function is useful if, for example, you notice that todo items you have already deleted are still showing on your site.
You can perform the tasks below in this section:
- Delete Tables – Delete any custom database tables that are no longer being used.
- Delete All To-Do Items – Erase all to-do items.
Any database operations performed from this screen cannot be undone. If you are sure that you want to carry out database operations in this section, then remember to backup your WP database first.
If you don’t want to do manual backups, then consider using the services of a professional, or use backup plugins. Learn about a WordPress backup plugin that we recommend using to perform automated WordPress file and database backups here:
- Backup, Duplicate And Keep Your WordPress Website Protected With Backup Creator Plugin For WordPress
User Permissions
This section lets you configure user permissions and capabilities for Group and Master List types …
If you have chosen Individual List, the only configurable option that is applicable for this section is the View To-Do List option …
If you are setting up user permissions and capabilities for Group and Master List types, select the highest level capabilities that you want users to have access to for each option …
The default general capabilities for each user role are as follows:
- Subscribers: Read
- Contributors: Edit Posts
- Authors: Publish Posts
- Editors: Edit Others Posts
- Administrators: Manage Options
Note: When working with the Master list type non-admin users should only be authorized to view and complete items, otherwise they will have the ability to edit the Master list itself.
Let’s review the settings for this tab:
View To-Do List
Here you can permit the chosen capability to view to-do items in the dashboard widget and on the To-Do List page under the ‘Tools’ section.
Complete To-Do Item Capability
Here you can permit the selected capability to mark items as completed or uncompleted.
Add To-Do Item Capability
This option enables the selected capability to add new to-do items.
Edit To-Do Item Capability
This setting allows the chosen capability to edit existing to-do items.
Assign To-Do Item Capability
Here you can allow the selected capability to delegate to-do items to individual users.
View All Assigned Tasks Capability
Here you can enable the selected capability to view all tasks even if “Show Each User Only Their Assigned Tasks” is set to ‘Yes’.
Delete To-Do Item Capability
This permits the chosen capability to delete individual to-do items.
Delete All To-Do Items Capability
Here you can permit the selected capability to purge all the completed items.
Add Categories Capability
Here you can enable the chosen capability to add new categories.
Being able to import and export to-do list data can be very useful. For example, you may want to transfer data from an existing list to another website, or store your list data for backup or archiving purposes.
To access this function, click on the ‘Import/Export’ tab in your plugin settings area …
Use this section to import and export your data and plugin settings …
Exporting To-Do List Data
You can export and download your list data settings by clicking on the ‘Download Export File’ …
This opens up a window allowing you to download and save the data in plain text format to a storage medium …
In addition to exporting data from the ‘Import/Export’ tab, you can also export data by going to your admin menu and selecting Tools > Export …
You can include to-do list data in an export file (in XML format), either by selecting ‘All content’ (includes everything – posts, pages, etc…), or just select ‘To-Do’ from the ‘Choose what to export’ section and click the ‘Download Export File’ button to download your file to your hard drive…
Importing To-Do List Data
Importing a list data file is easy. Just click on the ‘Browse’ button next to the ‘Choose File to Import’ field …
Select the file in your hard drive or external drive and click ‘Open’ …
After uploading the data file, click on ‘Import Settings’ …
The data from the existing to-do file will be imported.
Now that you have configured all of the plugin settings, you are ready to begin creating and editing your lists.
How To Use Cleverness To-Do List
To create a new to-do list, go to your WordPress dashboard menu and select To-Do List > To-Do List …
This brings up the ‘To-Do List’ page …
How To Add A New Item To Your List
There are a number of ways to add new to-do items.
For example, you can add new items to your to-do list from your dashboard toolbar …
You can also add a new item to your to-do list from the ‘To-Do List’ dashboard section by clicking on the ‘Add To-Do item’ link …
You can click on the ‘Add New Item’ link in the ‘To-Do Items’ section (note: only use this option if your To Do list contains many items, since the link is only going to take you to the “Add New To-Do Item” section at the bottom of the screen) …
The methods shown above will bring you to the ‘Add New To-Do Item’ section.
Depending on how you have configured your plugin’s settings, some options may not display when when you add new to-do items.
Configure the options you have enabled for your to-do items, add appropriate information into the relevant fields and click on the ‘Submit To-Do Item’ button to add the to-do item …
Note: If you are using a list type that lets you assign responsibilities over items to specific users, select a user from the drop-down list and assign them the item …
You can also make multiple users responsible for the same item (click on ‘x’ to delete a user) …
After After adding a new item, the item will display as an entry in the ‘To-Do Items’ table …
Repeat the above process to add new items to your to-do list …
Editing And Deleting To-Do Items
To edit or delete an item, click on the ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ buttons next to each item under the ‘Action’ column …
Depending on your configuration settings (discussed earlier), users assigned to tasks may also receive email notifications …
After creating your to do list, users can view the list inside their own user dashboard …
When users responsible for completing an item tick the item check box …
… the item disappears from the “To-Do” list …
And gets added to the ‘Completed Items’ section located in the ’To-Do List’ plugin screen …
Additional Information
The Cleverness plugin provides added functionality that lets you display a to-do list on your WordPress site using widgets, and add a list to any page or post using short codes.
Plugin Widget
To add a to-do list to your site using widgets, go to the ‘Widgets’ section (Appearance > Widgets) and drag the ‘To-Do List’ widget to the menu location where you would like your list to appear …
Configure the widget settings and click ’Save’ to update your settings …
Your list will appear on your site where you have inserted the widget (i.e. the sidebar menu, footer, etc.)
To learn more about how to use WordPress widgets, see the tutorial below:
Short Codes
The plugin also lets you add to-do lists and checklists to your site by inserting shortcodes into your content.
To access the plugin’s shortcode documentation, select To-Do List > To-Do List from the WordPress admin menu …
Click on the ‘Help’ tab on the top right hand corner of your screen …
Click on the ‘Shortcodes’ menu to access the Shortcode Documentation screen …
The documentation section explains various ways to configure and use shortcodes to display lists on your content.
Once you know what type of information you would like to display on your site, open up a new page or post and either type or paste the shortcode inside the content editor …
Publish your page or post and you will see the list showing exactly where you have inserted the short code …
To download this plugin, visit the plugin website:
Congratulations! Now you can create and add to-do lists to your WordPress site.
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