What To Do Before Installing WordPress

This section explains the three stages of installing a WordPress website or blog on your own domain.

What You Need To Do First Before Installing WordPressThis tutorial is part of our WordPress installation tutorial series, where we show you how to install a WordPress site or blog on your own domain name with no coding skills required.


There are a number of steps you will need to complete BEFORE installing WordPress.

What To Do Before Installing WordPress – Checklists

If you have not done so already, please review our website planning tutorials, as these will help you understand the process better and ensure that your site can be installed and set up as quickly as possible and with minimal disruptions.

Getting Your WordPress Site Up And Running – Costs & Timeline

WordPress Installation Costs

If you plan to perform the WordPress installation yourself and follow our Digital Business Blueprint, here’s what you can expect to pay in addition to your time:

  • WordPress Installation Tutorials: FREE!
  • WordPress Software: FREE! (Learn more)
  • Domain Name: $10-$12 p/year.
  • Web Hosting: price varies, but can start from as little as $50 or less per year.

As you can see, you can build a professional website for your business for around $60 per year, plus your time.

WordPress Installation Timeline

As the diagram below shows, installing WordPress only takes a few minutes. Configuring the settings after the installation takes a little longer (1-2 days or more), but preparing the initial content prior to launching your site is what takes the longest time …

Launching A WordPress Site - Timeline

(Launching A WordPress Site – Timeline)

WordPress Installation Stages

We have divided the tutorials in this module into 3 areas to save you time and help you avoid any problems when installing WordPress:

  1. WordPress pre-installation checklist
  2. WordPress initial content checklist
  3. WordPress installation process

Stage 1 – WordPress Pre-Installation

The WordPress pre-installation tutorials take you step-by-step through the tasks you need to complete and the things you need to have in place before you can install WordPress.

Stage 2 – Initial Content

The initial content checklist will help you get all the content you need for your new WordPress site or blog together to ensure that your new blog or site can be up and running quickly after installation.

Stage 3 – WordPress Installation

Once you have completed the above phases, we will then walk you step-by-step through the actual WordPress installation process.

WordPress Pre-Installation Checklist - OverviewWordPress Pre-Installation Checklist – Overview

Before you can install a WordPress site on your own domain, here are the steps to complete:

Green TickStep 1: Register A Domain Name

Green TickStep 2: Set Up A Web Hosting Account

Green TickStep 3: Set Up Nameservers For Your Domain Name

Green TickStep 4: Decide Where To Install WordPress

Green TickStep 5: Set Up A Google Account

Green TickStep 6: Have Your Initial Content Ready

Once the above steps have been completed, you will then be ready to proceed with your WordPress installation.

Are you ready to get started? Great! Then choose one of the links below to continue …

Learn How To Register A Domain Name

Skip This Step (I Have A Domain Name)


"I love the way your email series "Infinite Web Content Creation Training Series" is documented and presented. It is very absorbing and captivating. The links and tutorials are interesting and educational. This has motivated me to rewrite my content following the concepts I am learning from the email series." - Mani Raju, www.fortuneinewaste.com
