Fresh Title Headline Generator

FreshTitle is a one-click software tool that lets you generate hundreds of high-converting headlines and post titles in seconds simply by entering a keyword …

Fresh Title - Never Run Out Of Headline IdeasIt’s well-known that headlines are one of the most important aspects of any successful content marketing strategy. Without an effective post title or headline, your visitors may never get to your message.

Getting your headlines right is so important, in fact, that we devote a significant amount of space and attention to this topic in our free email training series on content creation. If you need great content ideas for your website, then subscribe to our FREE email training series on content marketing here:

Generate Powerful Headlines For Your  Web Content

Split-testing your marketing campaigns, where you leave everything the same but replace a few words in your headline can actually raise your conversions by 30% – 400% and create significant improvements in areas like:

  • Getting web traffic.
  • Getting opt-ins to your marketing list or newsletter.
  • Getting sales.

This can can result in thousands of dollars more in product or service sales … simply because of a few words.

You can lift your conversions dramatically simply by changing one or two words in your headline

(Changing just one or two words in your headline can increase your conversions by 30% – 400%)

Also, if you are not using proven headlines in your marketing or split-testing your headlines, you could be losing a ton of money.

The Importance Of Using Powerful Content Headlines

Think about this …

  • Large companies have known the importance of using powerful headlines way before the internet was even a part of our lives.
  • Just one powerful headline can flood your website with clicks, traffic, and viral shares!

The difficulty with coming up with headlines or post titles that convert better than others is that you need to process a ton of web traffic to arrive at statistically significant results. Typically, larger companies split-test extensively and spend large budgets on copywriting, optimization and data analysis.

Fortunately, there are now smart tools available that can help save time and money on what was once an extremely time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

Fresh Title – Headline Builder

FreshTitle Headline Generator


Description Of Software

Fresh Title lets you instantly brainstorm hundreds of engaging headlines and post titles for all of your web marketing.

With this tool, you simply enter your main topic keywords (e.g. weight loss, sports photography, woodworking, etc.) and Fresh Title’s built-in method then provides 830+ pre-optimized and proven-to-convert headlines that you can copy and paste into your web content.

FreshTitle - Get Immediate Access To Thousands Of High-Converting Headlines

(FreshTitle Headline Software - Get 1-Click Access To Thousands Of Eye-Catching Titles)

In addition to inputting niche keywords into the tool, you can answer a few simple questions and Fresh Title will provide an additional 125 more detailed titles that are also proven to convert.

For more details go here: Fresh Title Headline Generator


Below are just a few of the benefits of using FreshTitle to instantly generate hundreds of highly responsive headlines and titles for your content on your web site:

Limitless Headline Ideas Generator

Fresh Title gives you immediate access to thousands of proven titlesfor any content you want.

You can use this powerful application to generate fresh ideas for blog posts, Facebook posts, press release titles, webinar titles and headlines, etc.

Save Time And Money

With FreshTitle Headline Generator, you can instantly pump out hundreds of proven post titles for all types of content in seconds and save thousands of dollars on hiring copywriters and web conversion experts.

For example, you can use this tool in popular platforms, like:

  • Blogging Platforms – In addition to WordPress, this software can be used on blogging platforms like Blogger, LiveJournal, Joomla, etc.
  • Email Platforms – e.g. Aweber, iContact, ConstantContact, Ontraport, etc.
  • Social Posts – e.g. Facebook, GooglePlus, Pinterest, etc.
  • eCommerce Platforms – e.g. WooCommerce, BigCartel, LemonStand, Ebay, 3DCart, etc.
  • Article Platforms – eHow, ArticleCity, ArticleAlley, etc.
  • Video Platforms – YouTube, DailyMotion, Vine, etc.
  • Landing Pages – LeadPages, Unbounce, Megaphone, etc.

FreshTitle Headline Builder works with all popular online platforms

(FreshTitle works with all leading online platforms)

Some additional benefits and advantages include:

  • Really Simple To Use: Fresh Title is an intuitive 1-click software tool.
  • Increase Traffic, Leads, & Clicks: Fresh Title gives you instant access to thousands of proven headline formats.

Software Features

FreshTitle includes four impressive built-in tools:

Title Builder

Instant Title Builder

(FreshTitle – Instant Title Builder)

Swipe Database Tool

FreshTitle - Swipe Bank Tool

(Swipe Bank Tool)

Fresh Title includes a swipe tool that includes over 350,000 proven headlines and over 70,000 proven email headlines, so you’ll never be short of ideas for headlines or emails.

News Headlines Tool

Fresh Title - News Headlines Tool

(News Headlines)

Fresh Title pulls up popular headlines in real time from Google and Bing, allowing you to spy on your competitors’ proven content marketing strategies.

My Titles Tool

My Titles

(My Titles Tool)

FreshTitle also includes a built-in easy-to-use personal database tool to store all of your favorite headlines. You can transfer titles sourced from the other tools to your My Titles area and modify the titles to suit your own needs.

Additionally, the tool comes with a built-in thesaurus, allowing you to further customize your post titles, plus a function for storing notes (e.g. marketing campaign results), a feature for rating your items and a counter that lets you see which content items you most frequently use …

Fresh Title - Thesaurus

(Built-In Thesaurus)


Here are just a few of the testimonials and feedback users have published about the Fresh Title software:

”I just love this app. It’s a godsend since I need this for everything, and it’ll save me SO much money split testing useless titles. G-R-E-A-T Job!” Dennis


“You’ve done an amazing job with this, congratulations … it’s awesome!” T.R.Goodman

FreshTitle And Title Analyzer – A Must-Have Bundle

Dave Guindon, the software developer of Fresh Title will occasionally bundle the headline building tool with another powerful tool called TitleAnalyzer …

Title Analyzer - Title Analysis Tool

(Title Analyzer – Title Analysis Software)

Title Analyzer is a breakthrough title analysis software that can help you decide which headline is likely to give you better conversions.

Type in a headline, click ‘Analyze’ and Title Analyzer will calculate an overall headline score from 0 to 100 (the higher the scroe number, the better your headline is predicted to perform) …

Title Analyzer

(Imagine knowing which titles will convert into more web traffic, leads, clickthrough rates, etc. without testing!)

Title Analyzer allows you to compare multiple titles without requiring an internet connection to process the results …

Enter multiple titles

(Enter multiple headlines)

The software’s built-in analysis algorithm includes a database of 1,800+ power words to calculate the overall performance score of your titles …

TitleAnalyzer includes a large database of power words used to score your titles

(Title Analyzer uses a large database of power words to score your titles)

TitleAnalyzer not only scores your headlines based on factors like sentiment analysis (e.g. does your headline convey anger, happiness, or sadness), optimal number of characters, etc., it also provides detailed suggestions on how to further improve your content …

TitleAnalyzer suggests ways to improve your headlines

(TitleAnalyzer suggests ways to further improve your titles)

The tool also includes an additional built-in headline editor that lets you optimize your headlines using color-coded information and a built-in synonym finder connected to the power words database …

Choose the best power words for your titles

(Choose the best power words for your headlines)


The software is well-supported and runs on both Mac and PC computers. Users get lifetime access to the software and a risk-free, 30 day, complete refund guarantee.

Software Price

The software retails for a single purchase fee of $97. You can install the product on up to 3 personal computers (PC and Mac|Mac and PC). This price entitles you to free minor version updates and discounts on future major version releases. Major version updates may require an additional fee.

Note: The cost to purchase Fresh Title depends on whether there are any promotions or limited-time special offers. The price shown here may or may not be the actual price charged by the tool seller when you visit the product site and there may be additional upsells or one-time offers after your purchase. Also, the software tools discussed above may not be offered as a bundle when you visit the website.

When we originally reviewed this product, a special introductory offer was available, which may or may not still be the case. Check the tool’s website for current pricing details: FreshTitle – Headline Builder

Additional Software Information

For a demo video showing software usage, including installation instructions and tutorials, FAQs, customer help desk, contact details and more, visit the FreshTitle website.

We Highly Recommend This

As the product’s demo video on the website shows, the software has been used to test hundreds of thousands of proven headlines and predict which headlines will convert better. This impressive collection of tools not only provides users with over 830 optimized headlines, a swipe database of almost 420,000 titles and email subject lines, and a suite of additional powerful analysis tools, but you will also save yourself thousands of dollars on copywriting, split-testing and data analysis.

We definitely recommend this tool if you would like to drive more traffic, more clicks, and more conversions.

For full details, visit the software website: Fresh Title – Headline Generator

Fresh Title Headline Generator - Powerful Headline, Email Subject Titles And Content Idea Incubator Software
