How To Backup WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Learn how to backup your WordPress files using cPanel’s File Manager.

How To Backup WordPress Files Using cPanel File ManagerThis tutorial is part of our WordPress Management tutorial series. In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to backup your WordPress site files using cPanel’s File Manager.


How To Backup WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

File Manager allows cPanel users to manage and edit files on their server.

File Manager Backup Method

Log into your cPanel administration area …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Click on File Manager in the ‘Files’ section of your administration panel …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

After ‘File Manager’ opens in your screen, locate the folder on your server containing your WordPress files and check the Select All check box to select all files …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager


Your WordPress files will normally be found inside the “public_html” folder on your server if your WordPress site was installed in the root directory of your domain (e.g. If your WordPress site is located in a subfolder of your domain (e.g., then your WordPress files will be located in a folder with the same name as the subfolder (e.g. look for a folder called “blog”)

Deselect any files you DON’T want to back up, by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on files to deselect them …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Next, click on Compress to create a zipped file containing all of the selected files you DO want to backup …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Your zipped file will be automatically named after the first file on your selected files list. Click Compress File(s) to continue …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

After the files have all been compressed, a ‘Compression Results’ window appears on your screen. Click Close to close the pop-up window

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Locate the compressed file you have just created and click once on the file name to select it …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Click Download in your ‘File manager’ menu …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

A window opens up on your screen. Make sure you select ‘Save File’, then click Ok

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Choose a location 0n your hard drive to save your backup and click Save

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Your WordPress files will be downloaded to your selected location and saved on your computer …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

Once the download is completed, go back into ‘File Manager’, select the compressed backup file you have just downloaded and click on Delete

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

A confirmation window appears. Click on Delete File(s) to delete the file from your WordPress directory folder …

How To Back Up WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

After the process above is complete, your backup is done. Close cPanel if you no longer need to use it.

WordPress File Management – Additional Tutorials

See these tutorials for alternative methods of backing up your WordPress files:

To learn how to use cPanel’s Backup Wizard to create a backup of your WordPress site files, see the tutorial below:

To learn how to backup your WordPress files manually using FTP, see the tutorial below:


We recommend completing the tutorials above before continuing to the next section. Also, make sure that you already know how to backup your WordPress data.

To learn how to automate your WordPress backups using WordPress plugins, go here:


Now that you know how to backup your WordPress site files, the next step is to learn how to manage and update your WordPress software.

To learn how to manage and update your WordPress software, see the tutorial below:

How To Backup WordPress Files Using cPanel File Manager

(Source: Pixabay)


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