Content Marketing With WordPress – Using Ready-Made Content

In this tutorial, we look at using ready-made content as part of your web content mix and content marketing.

Content Marketing With WordPress - Buying Ready-Made ContentThis tutorial is part of a series of tutorials we provide on content marketing and web content creation! We recommend subscribing to our FREE content creation course to learn how to create great content for your website or blog.


Content Marketing With WordPress – Buying Ready-Made Content

This tutorial series covers different methods you can use to create content for your site using third-party content.

These methods also include:

In this tutorial, we look at buying ready-made content as part of your web content mix and content marketing.

Buying Ready-Made Content

In addition to coming up with original, unique content ideas or scouring the web gathering information and then rewriting existing content, you can also purchase content that you can then publish as is, or rewrite and publish it as your own.

This type of content is called “private label rights” content, or “PLR” content.

PLR stands for Private Label Rights. PLR article services leverage group buying power by hiring writers to create content and then selling a limited (or unlimited) number of this same content to users. For example, if you need Travel-related articles, you can become a member of a Travel PLR content site, and you will then receive new articles each month on various travel-related topics.

PLR content can be useful if you don’t have the time or budget to create content from scratch. For example, if you run a health-related website or blog and you need health-related articles, you can become a member of a PLR content site that creates content for the health or medical niche, and you will then receive new articles each month on various health-related subjects.

PLR content generally gives you the right to do things like edit, reformat, and repurpose the content, and then publish the content with your name as the author. Typically, the vendor will provide you with a list of what you can and can’t do with the content (your usage rights).

Although you can publish PLR content “as is” on your site, it’s always best (and strongly recommended) to edit and rewrite PLR articles to make these unique, as everyone else who buys the same PLR content will also own the exact same copy of the content that you have purchased.


We have written a separate tutorial about using PLR content.

To learn more about using PLR content, see the tutorial below:

Repurposing Existing Content

Repurposing allows you to use available content efficiently and create new content using different formats and media types.

Repurposing content helps you tread further online!

(Repurposing content helps you tread further online! Source: Pixabay)

Here are just some repurposing strategies you can experiment with:

  • Update older blog posts with new information and graphics.
  • Create infographics from your existing blog posts and articles and publish these on Pinterest.
  • Rewrite/Create excerpts or summaries from your blog posts and articles and post these to Facebook, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, etc.
  • Turn your articles into PDF reports and slide presentations and publish these on sites like
  • Turn your slide presentations into video sales letters and publish your videos on sites like, Vimeo, etc.
  • Create podcasts from your existing blog posts and articles and publish these to podcasting sites.
  • Create ebooks, training content, or content for membership sites from your existing blog posts and articles.
  • Create new email drip campaigns for newsletters from your existing blog posts and articles.

Once you find content repurposing methods that work for you, incorporate these into your content marketing strategy and structure them into your content creation process.

For example, an easy process for repurposing existing content into new formats is to turn blog posts and articles into presentation slides, turn your slide presentations into a narrated videos, and if you use a screen capture software like Camtasia, you can then easily extract the audio component of your videos and create audio files and podcast.

The content repurposing formula for this specific method, then, is as follows:

Blog Post > Slide Presentation > Video > Audio

The same content repurposed into different formats, giving you access to multiple sources of exposure online and increasing your traffic-getting potential. And it doesn’t have to stop there. If your old posts include unique images (i.e. product images, original memes, etc.) or interesting infographics, you can repurpose and republish these too.

Sourcing Existing Content

If you don’t want to create your own images, there are many places available for purchasing stock images and graphics, or even sourcing these for free.

To learn more about sourcing images for your content, see the tutorial below:

Outsourcing Content

The last option is to outsource your content writing.

With outsourced content, publishers who commission others to create content on their behalf (e.g. a ghostwriter, freelance writer, etc.) typically assume the rights to the content after payment of services or some other reciprocal agreement, so even though this outsourced content has been created by a third-party, it’s not technically content that belongs to someone else. It belongs to you and you can do with it as you please.

Useful Tip

As the topic of outsourcing content creation is beyond the scope of our tutorials, we have created an in-depth course on content creation that you can subscribe to for FREE here:

Hopefully, now you have a better understanding of ways to source content for your website or blog from 3rd-party sources. For more content marketing and content generation strategies, see our overview of Content Marketing With WordPress.

Content Marketing With WordPress - Buying Ready-Made Content

(Source: Pixabay)


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