Being the world’s most popular CMS makes WordPress a natural target for hacking attempts.
In 2013, WordPress installations around the world were subjected to a worldwide brute-force attack.
These attacks were caused by botnets (computer networks infected with viruses and programmed to attack other computers with security vulnerabilities).
How To Protect Your WordPress Site From A Brute-Force Attack
Brute-Force Attacks – An Overview
A brute-force attack is a technique used to break an encryption or authentication system by trying all possibilities.
(Source: Chinese University Of Hong Kong)
There are many ways hackers try to break into WordPress sites. One of these is by trying to guess the site admin’s login username and password. This is done with software tools that can guess hundreds of login permutations in minutes.
If you’re not using strong usernames or unguessable passwords, your site could be easily hacked by persistent attempts to guess your site’s login details.
This is called a “brute-force” login attack.
Botnet – What Is This?
A botnet is a number of Internet-connected computers communicating with other similar machines in an effort to complete repetitive tasks and objectives. This can be as mundane as keeping control of an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel, or it could be used to send spam email or participate in distributed denial-of-service attacks. The word botnet is a combination of the words robot and network.
(Source: Wikipedia)
A “Botnet” is a network of private computers that have been compromised and infected with malicious software, which can then be controlled remotely as a group, often without the computer owners even being aware that this is going on.
Botnets are typically used to blast mass spam emails from the infected computers of compromised user accounts.
Below is a screenshot taken from an online security monitoring site showing the locations of the command centers of a botnet that has been actively compromising computer networks all around the world since 2009 called “Zeus” …
(ZeuS is a botnet that has been actively infecting computer networks all around the globe since 2009. Image source:
These were highly distributed and well organized attacks on WordPress sites. Over 90,000 IP addresses were identified by several webhosting companies in the initial attack alone, when the web was flooded with millions of attempts to force their way into WordPress user administration areas. The attack continued after this, with over 30,000 WordPress sites and blogs being hacked every day.
Coverage of the mass brute force botnet attack was widely reported in all the major webhosting companiesand leading technology media publications, such as Forbes, TechNews Daily, BBC News, PC Magazine, Tech Crunch, and even on the official website of the US Department of Homeland Security …
(Being the world’s most popular content management system makes WordPress an obvious target for hacking attempts)
Does This Mean WordPress Is Not Secure And We Should Stop Using It?
No. In fact, there are many very good reasons why you should choose WordPress if you are concerned at all about the security of your web presence.
We explain why WordPress is a secure web platform in this article: Why WordPress Is A Secure Platform For Websites –
It’s important to note that, in the case of April 2013 large-scale brute force attack described above, no specific WordPress vulnerability was being exploited (the same script was also targeting sites built using other platforms like Joomla).
Mike Little, the co-founder of WordPress with Matt Mullenweg, said this about the botnet attacks:
It is a “simple” script that attempts to login using the admin login and a generated password. So if your password is too short or based on dictionary words it will be guessed and then the script can login legitimately and do whatever it wants including installing scripts (as plugins) or editing files. The attack tries to guess your password, if it succeeds, the most secure site in the world is wide open because they have your password.
Protecting Your WordPress Blog From Being Brute-Force Attacked – 10 Security Points
Every website with a vulnerability can can provide an opportunity to hackers. No website or blog is immune from cyberattacks. Corporate web sites, personal blogs, government web sites … even sites owned by web security experts can and have been targeted.
If a hacker can find a way to break in and remotely control your blog, your website can then be used to target larger and more highly-valued web sites.
Additional undesirable effects of having your website hacked include getting blacklisted by Google, having spammy links advertising things like casinos, cheap offers on brand names, etc. inserted in your content, malicious redirects to phishing sites, drive-by downloads (adding malware on your visitors’ computers), and lots of other nasties.
The reality is that hackers are very likely trying to hack into your blog as you are reading these very words. Whether they will hack in will depend on how hard or easy you will make it for them to keep trying until they can discover how to break in, or are forced to give up and go look for a more vulnerable target.
How Much Information Are You Broadcasting To Hackers About Your Site?
Does your website run on WordPress? If so visit a site like and run your website through their WordPress security scan …
(Website Security Check Screenshot image:
You will see that the test returns various results and information about your website …
(Hackertarget – WordPress security scan results. Product image source:
It should be obvious after using this scanning tool that if you are able to see all of this information about your site, then so can hackers.
(Product image:
The ability to see what version of WordPress you are using, which plugins and themes you have installed on your site, and which files have been uploaded to certain directories are all potentially useful information to hackers, as this informs them about potential holes or weaknesses, especially in older versions.
If your website runs on WordPress and you are not taking steps to harden your site, then we can practically guarantee that, at some point in time, someone will attempt to hack your website, because these attacks are systematically hitting WordPress sites worldwide!
Whenever a site is compromised, webmasters will find themselves “locked out” of their own site, or notice that their files have been altered or even that their content has been completely wiped out. Often, sites will be infected with malicious scripts without the owner even being aware that a breach has taken place.
To help avoid the heartache and frustration that comes with having your website or blog being hacked into, below are ten essential and effective security measures that will help to prevent your WordPress site from brute force botnet attacks.
Note: Some of the recommended measures shown below require some technical skills to modify core WordPress and/or server files. If you have no technical skills, or don’t want to mess around with code on your site, then ask your web host or a professional WordPress service provider for assistance.
Security Measure #1 – Get In Touch With Your Host
Get in touch with your webhosting provider and ask them what systems are in place to protect your site from being attacked, and what they are doing to ensure that your files and data get backed up.
It’s important to make sure that your host backs up your server files and that, if disaster strikes, you can easily get your files and data back.
Security Measure #2 – Back Up Your WordPress Data And Files And Keep Your Website Or Blog Regularly Up-To-Date
You should never rely on your webhosting provider for your site backups. Instead, learn how to manage your WordPress site or get this done for you and maintain a habit of religiously performing a full WordPress site maintenance routine on a frequent basis (e.g. weekly, fortnightly, etc …)
A complete WordPress maintenance routine ensures that:
- All unnecessary data and files are removed,
- All WordPress files and data are free of errors, optimized and backed up,
- All software, plugins and themes are up-to-date,
- etc …
A proper WordPress site maintenance routine looks like this …
(Maintaining your WordPress web site backed up and up-to-date is vitally important for WordPress security. Screenshot:
Again, we cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain your WP website or blog regularly backed up and updated. WordPress site maintenance is not hard to do or time-consuming, but it must be done to ensure the security of your website or blog. If you don’t want to learn how to do WordPress site maintenance yourself, get someone else to do it but make sure it gets done. Backing up your website is the second most important thing you must do after making sure that you still have a pulse!
If you don’t want to perform manual backups, there are a number of WordPress plugins you can use. Learn about a WordPress backup plugin that can fully automate your backup process here: Back Up, Duplicate & Keep Your WP Websites And Blogs Protected With Backup Creator WP Plugin
Security Measure #3 – Do Not Use “Admin” As The Admin Username
The large scale brute-force botnet attack on WordPress sites was mostly attempting to compromise site administrator panels by exploiting WP sites using “admin” as their username.
For reasons of website security, never install a WordPress site with the username “admin”. This is the first thing hackers will test. If your blog’s user name is admin, then change it immediately.
For a detailed tutorial on how to change your admin username, go here: How To Change Your Admin Username In WordPress To A Different User Name
Security Measure #4 – Use A Strong Password
A “brute force” attack occurs when a malicious script continually and persistently hits a login or password field with different strings of characters in an attempt to guess the right combination that will give them entry to your website.
Unless some measure is put into place to block the brute-force attack (see further below for a couple of simple and effective ways to do this), the “bot” will just continue to attack your site until it eventually “cracks” the code.
Weak passwords, therefore, are very easy targets for attacks. Make sure that you change your password combination to a string containing at least eight characters long, and that includes upper and lowercase letters, combined with a few “special” characters (%^#$@&*).
If you have trouble coming up with strong passwords or are reluctant to set up different passwords for all of your online logins, then use a password program like Roboform …
(Roboform is a password tool you can use to create different secure passwords)
For a tutorial created especially for admin users on how to change your WordPress admin password, go here: What To Do If You Need To Reset Your Password
Security Measure #5 – Prevent Your wp-config.php File From Being Easily Found
The wp-config.php file contains information about your website’s database and is used to define advanced WordPress options.
If a hacker breaks into your site, they will typically try to access your wp-config.php file, because this file contains your database details, security keys, etc. Getting access to this information would allow a hacker to change anything in your database, create a user account, upload files and take control of your site.
To protect your WordPress site from being attacked and even being used as part of a bot net, therefore, prevent people from accessing your wp-config.php file. This requires knowing how to edit database information, move files around in your server and changing access permissions.
Security Measure #6 – Rename Or Delete Unnecessary Installation Files
Delete or rename your install.php, upgrade.php and readme.html files.
You can remove these files after installation. If you don’t want to remove these files, just rename them.
Security Measure #7 – Update Your WordPress Files, Plugins And Themes To Their Latest Version
Hackers are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities in outdated versions of WordPress that they can exploit, including outdated versions of WP themes and plugins.
Ensure that all of your WordPress files, plugins, themes, etc. are always up to date.
Security Measure #8 – Disable Your WordPress Theme Editor
WordPress installations come with a built-in editor that allows the administrator to edit plugin and theme code from the dashboard area.
You can access your WordPress Theme Editor by selecting Appearance > Editor in the dashboard menu …
(The WordPress theme editor is accessible using the WordPress dashboard menu)
This allows anyone accessing your site to see and make changes to all of your WordPress theme template files, and create mayhem on your site.
If you want to prevent people from accessing your WordPress Theme editor, you will need to disable it. This can be done by adding code to your wp-config.php file.
Security Measure #9 – Prevent Access To The Site’s Uploads Directory
The “uploads” directory contains all the media files that get uploaded to your website.
By default, this folder is visible to anyone online. All someone has to do to view all of the contents in the “uploads” directory is navigate to your directory using their browser …
(WordPress has an uploads folder where your media files are stored)
If any directories in your website have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious users, someone can upload unauthorized file types or compromise the security of your site.
Protecting your directories will prevent unauthorized people from accessing your ‘uploads’ folder and other important directories. This can be done using plugins, setting file permissions, adding a blank index.php file (this is literally an empty file named “index.php”) to your uploads directory, and so on. Again, it’s best to seek professional help if you are not sure about what to do.
Security Measure #10 – Use WordPress Security Plugins
Some great security plugins for WordPress are available that specifically address most common security issues WordPress site owners face, such as preventing hackers from gaining access to vital information about your site, protecting your website from malicious scripts, preventing injections of code into files, etc.
Many WordPress plugins address some but not all areas of WordPress security. One security plugin that seems to do a comprehensive job of scanning, fixing and preventing issues that could lead to hackers accessing your website files and damaging your site is SecureScanPro.
(SecureScanPro – WordPress complete security software solution)
SecureScanPro is easy to install and easy to use, and does a great job of addressing most of the security areas that WordPress users need to address.
Another plugin you may want to consider using is BlogDefender.
Blog Defender Security Suite
(Blog Defender Security Plugin For WordPress)
This product is a suite of WordPress security video tutorials, WordPress plugins and tools, plus a WordPress security PDF/DOC file.
BlogDefender shows you where potential security holes in your web site are …
And then shows you how to quickly fix these …
If you don’t want to buy a security plugin like SecureScanPro or BlogDefender, then use various free WordPress plugins, such as Limit Login Attempts …
WordPress is a secure web platform, but neglecting essential maintenance tasks like updating your WordPress software, WP plugins and WordPress themes, tightening file and data protection and taking other necessary precautions can expose your website to attacks by hackers and bots.
Regardless of the type of business you run or plan to run online and how small you think your web presence is, you cannot ignore the importance of web security.
As one last reminder of the importance of keeping your websites protected, below is the advice given by a website security expert to all WordPress users after the global brute force attacks by botnets on WordPress in April 2013 …
Owners of websites based on WordPress CMS must improve at least basic security settings and implement best practices such as the use of robust passwords and the accurate management of “admin” accounts.
Pierluigi Paganini, Chief Information Security Officer, Security Affairs
As you can see, website security is very important if you run a WordPress site. Hopefully, the above article will help prevent brute force attacks on your WordPress site. If you need any further help or assistance with WordPress security, please consult a professional WordPress security specialist, or search for a WordPress service provider in our WordPress Services Directory.
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