How To Change The Admin Username In WordPress

The default WordPress username admin poses a security risk to your WordPress site. Learn how to change the admin username in WordPress for improved security …

WordPress TutorialFor improved security, avoid setting up WordPress sites using the username “admin”.

This is the default installation username for WordPress and one of the leading causes of brute force attacks and security threats on the WordPress CMS.

Changing Your WordPress Admin Username

In this tutorial for non-technical users, you will learn how to change your WordPress admin username to a more secure user name.

Changing Your WP Username From Admin To Another Username

Typically, in a new WordPress installation, the first registered user is usually the admin of the website.

The default WordPress user name admin is not recommended, as it can out your WordPress site at risk of being hacked …

Changing Your WP Admin User Name To A Different Username

Let’s change your admin username in WordPress from ‘admin’ to a more secure username.

There are a number of ways to access your “Profile” section and view your user name details inside your WordPress Dasboard area:

Select the Users > All Users section in your main menu …

Changing Your WordPress Admin User Name To A More Secure Username

Click either on the user name, or click on the Edit link when hovering over the username with your mouse …

How To Change Your WP Admin Username To A Different Username

Or, select Edit My Profile from the “Howdy, User” menu at the top-right hand corner of your screen …

How To Change Your WordPress User Name From Admin To A Different User Name

You can also access your “Profile” section by selecting Users > Your Profile from your admin menu.

What you will discover when you get into your Profile area, however, is that you cannot change your user name from the Dashboard …

How To Change Your Admin Username In WordPress

So, how do you edit the user name?

Change Admin Username By Creating A New Admin User

If your username is “admin,” here’s the easiest way to change this without going into your server:

Click Add New to create a new user …

Changing Your WP User Name From Admin To A Different Username

Next, create a better username, and assign the new user the role of “Administrator”. Remember to save your changes in order to update your settings …

Changing Your Admin Username In WordPress

You have now added a new admin user …

How To Change Your WordPress Username From Admin To A Different Username

Log out of your WordPress admin area …

How To Change Your WordPress User Name From Admin To A Different User Name

Log in with the new admin details for the user you have just created …

Changing Your WordPress Username From Admin To A More Secure User Name

You should see your new user name details displayed in the “Howdy, User” screen …

How To Change Your WP Admin Username

Click on Users > All Users in the main menu …

How To Change Your Admin User Name In WordPress To A Different Username

Delete your old user account …

Changing Your WP Admin Username To A Different Username

Select the option to assign all content owned by the old user account and reassigned it to your new admin, then confirm the deletion of the old account …

How To Change Your WP Admin User Name To A Different Username

You are now left with only the new Admin account, effectively changing your WordPress admin user name …

Changing Your Admin User Name In WordPress

Change Admin Username Using A WordPress Plugin

Another easy way to change the username is to use a plugin like the one shown below.

Username Changer

Username changer

(Username changer)

Username Changer is a free WordPress plugin that lets you easily change your admin username (and allow other users to change their usernames too!)

Installing The Plugin

To install the plugin from your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add Plugins and type in “username” into the Keyword search field (if you need help see our tutorial on installing WordPress plugins).

There are several plugins you can use to perform a similar function. Locate the Username Changer plugin and click on ‘Install Now’ …

Install the plugin

(Install the plugin)

After installing the plugin, click the ‘Activate’ button …

Activate the plugin

(Activate the plugin)

Configuring The Plugin

After installing and activating the plugin, go to Settings > Username Changer

Settings - Username Changer menu

(Settings – Username Changer menu)

This brings you to the ‘Settings’ screen.

Here, you can allow other user roles to change their usernames too (be careful about doing this!) …

Username Changer Settings - Allowed Roles

(Username Changer Settings – Allowed Roles)

You can also configure email notifications (if you choose to allow users to change their usernames) …

Username Changer Settings - Email notifications

(Username Changer Settings – Email notifications)

Using The Plugin

To change your username, go to Users > Your Profile

Users - Your Profile menu

(Users – Your Profile menu)

Scroll down to the ‘Name’ section and you will see a ‘Change Username’ link next to the grayed out username field. Click on this link to change your username …

Click on 'Change Username' link

(Click on ‘Change Username’ link)

The ‘Username’ field will become editable. Change your username and click the ‘Save Username’ button …

Save your new username

(Save your new username)

Changing your username will log you out of your WordPress admin area. You will need to log back into your WordPress site.

Click on the link to log back in …

Click on the link to log back in

(Click on the link to log back in)

Log back into your site with your new username (note: your password should remain the same) …

Log back in with your new username

(Log back in with your new username)

Note: If you don’t click on the link to log back in you will find yourself logged out of your site …

Changing your username will expire your session

(Changing your username will expire your session)

After logging back into your site, go to your User Profile section and you will see that your username has been changed.

Username changed

(Username changed)

To learn more about this plugin, go here: Username Changer


Although this tutorial is mostly aimed for non-technical WordPress users, let’s go one step further and show you how to change a user name inside the WordPress database.

All you need is admin access to your server’s control panel.


To learn how to search and replace content in your WordPress database without touching code or editing WordPress database tables, see the tutorial below:

Changing Your Username Inside The WordPress Database

In our example, we’ll be working with the cPanel management tool …

How To Change Your WordPress Admin User Name


Log into your server control panel …

Changing Your WP User Name From Admin To A Different Username

cPanel administration area

Navigate to the “Databases” section and open phpMyAdmin

Changing Your Admin User Name In WordPress


Click on your WP database.

Note: If you have multiple databases set up on your domain, make sure you choose the correct one …

How To Change Your Admin Username In WordPress To Another User Name

phpMyAdmin databases

Don’t worry about the technical-looking nature of the information on your screen.

Click on wp_users

Changing Your Admin User Name In WordPress

The user name is located in the “user login” column. To edit the user name simply double-click on this text you want to change …

How To Change Your Admin User Name In WordPress

Type in the new user name and click outside the edit box to update the field with the new username …

Changing Your Admin User Name In WordPress To A More Secure User Name

Log out of your server if you’re finished and go back to your WordPress site. You will probably find that your session has expired. If so, log in again with your new administration details …

How To Change Your WP Admin User Name To Another User Name

You will see that the username has been updated. However, your admin details will probably still be displaying the old “nickname” …

How To Change Your Admin Username In WordPress To Another User Name

To choose a new “nickname”, visit your Users area and click on the Edit link below the username …

How To Change Your WP Admin Username To A Different User Name

You can also reach the Profile section by clicking on the Edit My Profile link in the “Howdy, User” panel …

How To Change Your WP Username From Admin To A Different Username

Choose a new name to display publicly from the drop down menu …

How To Change Your Admin User Name In WordPress To A More Secure User Name

Useful Tip

Note: You can also create a new Nickname in the Nickname field and it will then be available for selection in the Display name publicly as dropdown menu …

How To Change Your Admin User Name In WordPress

Click Update Profile to save your new settings …

How To Change Your WordPress Username From Admin To A More Secure Username

You admin area is now updated with a new user name and nickname …

How To Change Your WP Admin Username

Congratulations! Now you know how to change your WordPress admin username on your website or blog.

How To Change Your WP Admin Username


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