Page Break Block

The Page Break Block lets you split your content into smaller sections with multiple pages …

WordPress Block Editor – Page Break Block

WordPress Block Editor - Page Break Block

This tutorial is part of our series WordPress Gutenberg: The Ultimate Guide For Non-Technical WordPress Users.


Page Break Block – Description

The Page Break block lets you split your content into smaller sections with multiple pages.

Page Break block.
Add page breaks to your content using the Page Break block.

How To Use The Page Break Block

In this section, we’ll cover:

  • How to add a Page Break block to your content.
  • How to edit and configure your Page Break block and block settings.
  • How to remove the Page Break block from your content.

For more details on using blocks (e.g. how to move blocks around your content), see this tutorial: How To Use Blocks.

Adding A Page Break Block

To add a Page Break block to your content:

  • Select a place in your content to add a page break (i.e. before or after), then either:
    • Click on the ‘Add Block’ tool in the Editing Toolbar section and select the Page Break block (in Most Used or Design section),
    • Add the Page Break block in the Content Area.
  • You can add as many Page Break blocks as you need to split your content into readable sections.

Let’s go through the above steps.

First, create a new post or page or open an existing post or page and either:

Click on the Add Block tool and select a Page Break block…

Add Block tool - Page Break block.
Add a Page Break block to your content using the Add Block tool.

Or, select a Page Break block using the Inserter tool in the Content Area.

Inserter tool - Page Break block.
Use the Inserter tool to insert a Page Break block into your post.

Either of the above methods will add a Page Break block to your content.

Page Break block.
Page Break added to your post.


You can add multiple Page Break blocks to your content.

Sample post with multiple Page Break blocks.
Add multiple Page Break blocks to your content.

After adding Page Break blocks, there is nothing else to do.

WordPress will automatically break your content into sections where the Page Break block has been inserted and add pagination to each section of your post or page, allowing users to continue reading your content on the next page, or navigate back to the previous section.

Sample post with multiple page breaks.
Add pagination to a post with multiple pages using the Page Break block.

Editing A Page Break Block

With the Page Break block…

  • You cannot:
    • Edit a Page Break block.
  • You can:
    • Reposition your block using the ‘Move Up’ and ‘Move Down’ arrows or the Drag and Drop handle tool (if you need help with this step, see our tutorial on How To Use Blocks).
    • Convert a Page Break block into a Reusable block.
Page Break block editor.
You can’t edit a Page Break block but you can reposition it in your content.

Remember to update and publish your post or page to save your settings.

How To Remove A Page Break Block

To delete or remove a Page Break block from your content:

  • Click inside the Page Break block to select it.
  • Select the ‘More Options’ tool in the Block Editor.
  • Click on ‘Remove block’.
  • This will remove the Page Break block from your content.
Page Break block: More Options - Remove block.
Use the More Options menu to remove a Page Break block from your content.

Page Break Block Tools, Options & Settings

The Page Break block includes tools, options, and settings for:

  • Page Break Block Editor
  • Page Break Block Settings

Page Break Block Editor

Page Break block editor.
Page Break block editor.

The Page Break Block Editor displays:

  • Block Type (See ‘Page Break Block – Additional Info’ section below.)
  • Drag & Drop Tool
  • Move Up and Down Tool
  • More Options – See How To Use Blocks to learn how to use this section.

Page Break Block Settings

Page Break block settings.
Page Break block settings.

The Page Break block settings section includes only a description of the block. There are no other options or settings for this block.

Page Break Block – Additional Info

You can convert a Page Break block into the following block types:

Page Break block - Change block type or style.
Change the Page Break block into other block types.

Installing plugins or themes on your site may also add new functionality, options, or settings to the Page Break block.

Sample post with Page Break block.
Split long posts into multiple pages using the Page Break block.

Congratulations! Now you know how to use the WordPress content editor’s Page Break block.


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