HeatMapTracker – Heat Map Software

Heat Map Tracker records visitor clicks, helps you analyze visitor behavior on your web pages, improves conversion, and helps improve your website results …

Being able to track and see the behavior of visitors on your website is absolutely important to the success of your business online.

The business management saying ”you can’t manage what you don’t measure” is as important today as it has ever been. If you don’t know what is happening when users arrive on your web pages, how will you know what elements of your website need to be improved?

Website users have looked for accurate tools to track and understand what visitors are doing in their web pages since web sites were first introduced. From simple tracking counters, to sophisticated and powerful analytical tools like Google Analytics that can record and display incredible measurements.

Analyzing user behaviour is very important for the success of your online business strategy, not only because it enables you to understand what visitors are doing so you can better your performance, but research also shows that past consumer behaviour is the best way to predict future behaviour. More reliable, in fact, than demographics.

While the ability to track statistical data such as how many web users are landing on your site, which pages they are coming and leaving from, how long they are staying on your website for, which terms people are searching for, page views, referring pages, etc …, is vitally essential, wouldn’t it be excellent to track precisely what users are clicking on, where on your pages they are staying the longest for, which links they are clicking on, what parts of your content visitors are browsing, and so on?

Fortunately, heat map technology makes this easy. Web heat maps can be used to review areas of a web site page most frequently scanned by online visitors. Web heat maps can also be used alongside other forms of web analytic software and session replay software technologies.


If you own a WordPress web site, then it’s easy to add heat map tracking and session replays to your business tool box with an easy-to-install and quite inexpensive WordPress-compatible software.

Heat Map Tracker – Live ClickTracking & HeatMap Tracker


(HeatMap Tracker)


HeatMapTracker is not technically a WordPress plugin, but a software script that works with WordPress (and other programs) and that visually tracks your site users’ every movement and generates instant heatmaps that show precisely where they are clicking and where they are scrolling on your site content.

Heat Map Tracker

HeatMapTracker application also enables you to see your site from your visitor’s unique point of view.

Heat Map Tracker

Go here to learn more about the software: Heat Map Tracker

Benefits Of Using HeatMap Tracker

The more information you have about how your visitors are interacting with your web pages, the more you can improve your site’s user experience. Imagine knowing the specific obstacles that have been preventing your users from fully benefiting from your site, like unclear navigation layouts, or disruptive design elements. As a website owner, you can encourage your readers to complete certain actions, such as join a newsletter or clicking on certain links or buttons.

Although Google Analytics has its overlay feature which can give you an idea of what links on your page users are clicking, a heat map can also reveal any clicks that visitors make on your page, regardless of whether these are links or not. This is an important difference because if a heat map report reveals that users are clicking on a graphic element which they imagine to be a link, but turns out not to be a hyperlinked image, you can easily edit this by adding a link to the image, or make it clear to your users that the image is just a visual element.

Heatmaps, therefore, are one of the best methods to test your site design, see how readable your content is and improve conversions.

Here are just a few of the benefits and advantages of using HeatMapTracker to track visitor behavior on your web site:

Capture Everything Visitors Are Doing On Your Website

HeatMap Tracker records every user browsing session on your site, enabling you to observe all links and buttons clicked, eye-tracking and page scrolls.

Complete Control Without Restrictions

The software allows you to self-host the technology, giving you no limits on session recording and playbacks.

Unlimited Upgrades & Enhancements

There is a one-off cost to own the HeatMapTracker application, after which you are then entitled to receive lifetime upgrades and all future enhancements.

Additional benefits of the script include the following:

  • Improve User Experience: By seeing how visitors experience your website, you can spot difficulties that prevent users from taking desired actions and reach your site objectives.
  • No More Guessing Visitor Behaviour: The video playbacks of your visitors’ browser sessions show you exactly what is taking place on your web pages. Overlays let you know exactly which links and buttons visitors click on, where they are drawn to most on your website, how long they hover on a particular section, how far and quickly they travel down your content and more! No more guessing or making wrong assumptions … just pure information of what takes place when visitors explore your website.
  • Increase User Engagement: HeatMap Tracker helps you increase visitor engagement with your site, which creates better online sales and conversion rates. There are a number of ways to achieve this and we go over a number of these in the “Tips” section further below.

Heat Map Tracker Features

Heat Map Tracker includes many great features for site owners. Here are just a few of these:

  • Quick and simple to install and implement. Be up and running in no time.
  • View heatmaps by clicks, eye-tracking and scrolls. See if visitors are clicking your links, buttons, images and calls to action, see which areas of your sales copy visitors look at and see how far down the page your visitors scroll as an average of the length of time your site can keep them interested. HeatMapTracker lets you analyze each and every user action to see how users are interacting with your site or some pages on your site.
  • Unlimited session recording and playbacks. Are you required to provide executive reports to your CEO, Chief Digital Officer or clients about your website’s performance? With HeatMapTracker you can spy on user sessions on your site for a few days, a couple of weeks, a month, or even more!
  • In-depth analytics. Heat Map Tracker lets you see deep analytics and at-a-glance statistical reports with project summaries. Overview stats lets you view how many total visitors, tracked pages and total sessions HeatMapTracker has recorded for each project. You can easily see which pages your readers are gravitating towards and how they interact with each page’s content, allowing you to spend more time on improving content that your readers care about. You can also analyze regional demographics of all visitors and discover where they are coming from.

HeatMap Tracker

Additional software features:

The table below shows how HeatMapTracker measures up against competitors like CrazyEgg and Clicktale:


User Testimonials

Here are a few of the testimonials customers have submitted for HeatMap Tracker:

“This plugin is the ultimate tool if you need to analyze your site visitors behaviour, including clicks, pages visited, time spent on each page, and a load of other details.” Tudor Pangal, Dream.Decide.Act.Succeed.


“HeatMapTracker is a wonderful WordPress plugin that lets you analyze where visitors on your website click, most of all you can see exactly what your visitors doing.” Towhid Zaman, CEO & Founder at DevsCraft, LLC


“HeatMap Tracker is a product you HAVE to own – and you probably don’t even realise it yet – how will you know what isn’t working on your website unless you can track it? This one product has allowed me to get the “edge” on my competitors – don’t let your competitors beat you to it.” Gordon Drayson, Gordon Drayson OnlineBookingAssistant.com

Heat Map Tracker – Useful Tips

Here are just some of the many ways you can use Heat Map Tracker on your web site to improve your business:

  • Understand what’s working (i.e. where people are clicking) and what doesn’t work (where visitors are not clicking). For example, are people engaging with your videos? Are they clicking on images believing that these link to another area of your site?
  • Get ideas on ways to optimize your landing pages, sign-up forms, checkout processes, screen resolution, etc.
  • Get useful data on ways to create A/B split testing to improve results
  • Get ideas prior to and during a website makeover, or if you decide to use a new WordPress theme for your website.
  • Creating “above the fold” tests to improve your home page’s “first impression”, or maximize the impact of the website’s real estate elements on your visitors, such as banners, links, buttons, headlines, etc…
  • Identify if a content section could be included, redesigned, or deleted.
  • Produce “before” and “after” comparison reports for digital services.
  • Analyze if users prefer to click on images versus buttons versus text links, and how specific user segments interact with your site.
  • Analyze confirmed site security or vulnerabilities.


HeatMap Tracker is part of the Digital Kickstart group of products authored by Mark Thompson, a highly respected online marketer with a solid reputation for providing great product quality and support. The member download area includes video instructions for installing and setting up the software.

Software Price

HeatMapTracker is available in 3 separate versions:

  • Basic License – Installs on one website. Cost = $197.00 One-time.
  • Professional (Multiple) License – Installs on up to ten websites. Price = $297.00 One-off payment.
  • White-Label Branding) License – In addition to all of the features available in the other licenses (click-tracking, heatmaps, session replays, unlimited recording / page views, unlimited upgrades and enhancements and professional support), the Agency license lets you install the plugin on unlimited sites, create sub-accounts for clients, and set up automated PayPal client invoicing, making it ideal for web development agencies. Price = $497.00 Single Payment.

Note: Current pricing for HeatMapTracker can vary, depending on whether there are any promotions or limited-time special offers. The above reflects the current pricing at the time this review was published. This may or may not be the actual price charged by the product developer when you visit the product site and you may be shown additional upsells or one-time offers after you’ve purchased.

Check the plugin’s website for the current pricing:

Additional Software Info

For a video of the software in action, including installation videos and how to tutorials, FAQ and more, visit the Heat Map Tracker website.

Our Recommendation

Analytics services like Google Analytics can give you some useful data on things such as how many people are coming to your site, how they find it and what they are doing whilst visiting your website. However, to truly gain an understanding into how your website and its content is helping your visitors to connect with your business online, then a heat map analytics software application can be very useful.

We recommend buying a license of HeatMap Tracker for live heatmaps and accurate visitor recordings with detailed user-behavior analytics and conversion optimization for better, visitor engagement and to get more web sales.

Heat Map Tracker

For complete details, visit the software website: HeatMap Tracker – Real-Time Click-Tracking And HeatMap Tracking Plugin
