WordPress Data, File & Site Recovery Tutorials

WordPress Management Tutorials - WordPress Site And Data Recovery

WordPress Management: Data, File, And Site Recovery

Serious problems can cause loss of your WordPress data, files, or even your entire site. This section of the WordPress Management Tutorials module contains tutorials on how to recover WordPress data and files, and how to delete and restore your WordPress site.

Important Info

Some tutorials in this module may require editing your WordPress template or server files. If you need help modifying template or server files please contact a professional or experienced WordPress user for assistance (learn where to get help with WordPress).

Important: Always do a backup of your WordPress site (files and data) before modifying any files. If you don’t want to back up your site yourself, then consider getting professional support, or use backup plugins.

Learn about a great WordPress backup plugin that we recommend using to automate WordPress file and database backups here:

Click below to view tutorials on WordPress data, file, and site recovery:

Backup Creator - {Backup|Back Up}, {Clone|Duplicate} {And|&} {Protect Your {WordPress|WP} {Website|Websites|Site|Sites|Web Site|Web Sites|Websites And Blogs}|Keep Your {WordPress|WP} {Website|Websites|Site|Sites|Web Site|Web Sites|Websites And Blogs} Protected}

Backup Creator – WordPress Backup Plugin

Backup Creator is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to backup your WordPress data, clone your websites, and protect your sites against data loss ...
WordPress Membership {Plugins|Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide}

WordPress Membership Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you planning to set up a membership site with WordPress? Discover the best WordPress membership plugins in this comprehensive guide ...
How To {Redirect Links|Create Link Redirections} In WordPress

How To Redirect Links In WordPress

Need to point links to new destination URLs? This tutorial explains how to redirect links in WordPress ...
{How To Manage|Managing} Multiple WordPress Sites

How To Manage Multiple WordPress Sites

In this tutorial, we explore WordPress plugins for managing multiple WordPress sites ...
How To Do A Global Search And Replace In WordPress

How To Do A Global Search And Replace In WordPress

Learn how to perform a global search and replace in WordPress without touching code ...
How To {Detect|Find} And {Repair|Fix} Broken Links In WordPress

How To Detect And Repair Broken Links In WordPress

Managing broken links is an important part of website maintenance. In this tutorial, we show you how to find and fix broken links in WordPress ...
How To Customize Your WordPress 404 Error Page

How To Customize Your WordPress 404 Error Page

Learn how to customize your WordPress 404 error page using WordPress 404 plugins ...
How To Install WordPress Plugins

How To Install WordPress Plugins Via The WordPress Dashboard

Learn how to install and active plugins on your WordPress site via the WordPress dashboard ...
{How {To|To Automatically} {Update|Upgrade} And Delete|{Updating|Upgrading} And Deleting} {WordPress {Plugins|Plugins Safely|Plugins In {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|Plugins Safely {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}}|Plugins|Plugins Safely|Plugins {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|Plugins Safely {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|{Plugins|Plugins Safely} In WordPress}

How To Update And Delete WordPress Plugins

Learn how to update and delete WordPress plugins inside your WordPress dashboard ...
{{Compliance Bar|Compliance Bar Plugin} - {{Compliance|Website Compliance|Legal} Plugin For WordPress|WordPress Plugin For {Website|Legal|Legal Website} Compliance|{WordPress|WP} {Compliance|Website Compliance|Legal|Legal Compliance} Plugin|{Total|Total Legal} Website Compliance And Disclaimer Solution} {Reviewed|Review|WordPress Plugin Review|Plugin Review|Premium Plugin Review|}|{Compliance Bar|Compliance Bar Plugin} For {WordPress|{WordPress|WordPress {Users|Websites|Sites}}} {- A Review|- WordPress Plugin Review|- Plugin Review|- Premium Plugin Review|}|{Is Your {Website|Online Business|Digital Presence|Digital Business|Web Presence|Internet Business|Internet Presence} {Legally Protected|Compliant With {All Laws And Regulations|The Law}|Protected From Someone Wanting To {Take Legal Action|Sue You}|Protected {From Lawsuits|From An Imminent Lawsuit|Against Legal Action}|At Risk Of Being Sued|Breaking {The Law|{Laws|Laws, Policies} {And|Or} Regulations}|A Lawsuit Waiting To Happen}?}}

Compliance Bar – Legal Web Compliance Plugin For WordPress

Compliance Bar lets you add over 20 customizable legal templates to your WordPress site ...
How To Enhance The WordPress Visual Editor

How To Enhance The WordPress Visual Editor

Learn how to enhance the WordPress visual editor with additional formatting features in this tutorial ...
{How To Prevent|Preventing} Spam In WordPress

WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins

Learn how to prevent comment spam in your post discussions with WordPress anti-spam plugins ...
{{{WordPress|WP} Plugins - {Extending|Enhancing|Extend|Enhance|Improving|Improve|Expand|Expanding}|Using {WordPress|WP} Plugins To {Extend|Enhance|Improve|Expand}} Your {Website's|Site's|Web Site's|Blog's} {Functionality|Features|Capability|Capabilities|Features And Functionality}|{{WordPress|WP}|Using {WordPress|WP}} {Plugins|Plugins - The Easy Way To} {Extend|Enhance|Expand} Your {Website's|Site's|Web Site's|Blog's} {Functionality|Features|Features And Functionality|Capability|Capabilities}|{Add|Adding} New {Functionality|Features And Functionality} {To {Your|Your {WordPress|WP}} {Website|Site|Web Site|Blog} With Plugins|To Your {Website|Site|Web Site|Blog} With {Plugins|{WordPress|WP} Plugins}}}

WordPress Plugins Explained

This tutorial explains what WordPress plugins are, how plugins work and how plugins help WordPress users extend their website's functionality.  ...
WordPress {{Visual|Content|Visual Content} Editor|Editor}

Thrive Content Builder Plugin For WordPress

Thrive Content Builder is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to quickly build stunning content layouts with true click-to-edit and drag and drop simplicity ...
{WP Cheat|WPCheat} - {{Content Creation|Web Content Creation|Web Content|Content|HTML|2,300+|2,300+ HTML|2,300+ Copy And Paste HTML|2,300+ Copy And Paste} {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements} For WordPress|{WordPress|2,300+ WordPress} {Web Content|Content|HTML|Page|Web Page|Web} {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}|Faster {Content|WordPress Content|Web Content} Creation|Create {WordPress Content|Content|Web Content} {Faster|{With No|Without} Coding {Skills|Knowledge}|Faster {With No|Without} Coding {Skills|Knowledge}}|Create {WordPress Content|Content|Web Content} {Faster|{With No|Without} HTML Knowledge|Faster {With No|Without} HTML Knowledge}|Cut {&|And} Paste {HTML Elements|HTML|{Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}|HTML {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}} For {WordPress Users|WordPress}|Cut {&|And} Paste {HTML Elements|HTML|{Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}|HTML {Code Cheats|Code Snippets|Code Templates|Element Templates|Elements}}}

WP Cheat Cut And Paste HTML Templates For WordPress

WPCheat provides over 2,300 HTML element templates you can copy and paste straight into your WordPress text editor to insert complex layouts and elements when creating posts and pages ...
{{How To {{{Add|Create And Add} Tables {In|To|Into}|{Insert|Create And Insert} Tables Into} {WordPress Posts And Pages|WordPress Pages And Posts|Your Content|WordPress} {Easily|}|Easily {{Add|Create And Add} Tables {In|To|Into}|{Insert|Create And Insert} Tables Into} {WordPress Posts And Pages|WordPress Pages And Posts|Your Content|WordPress}} {With No {Programming|Coding} Skills Required|Without {Programming|Coding} Skills|Without Touching Code|}}|{How To {Add|Create And Add}|{Adding|Creating And Adding}} Tables {To|In} WordPress {Posts And Pages|Pages And Posts|Content|}|{How To {Add|Create And Add}|{Adding|Creating And Adding}} Tables {{In Posts And Pages|In Pages And Posts|Into Your {Content|Content Easily}|} {In|With} WordPress}|{How To {Insert|Create And Insert}|{Inserting|Creating And Inserting}} Tables {{Into Posts And Pages|Into Pages And Posts|Into Your {Content|Content Easily}|} {In|With} WordPress}}

How To Add Tables To WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to easily create and insert tables into your WordPress posts and pages with no coding skills required ...
WordPress Tutorials

Automating Internal Content Linking In WordPress

Learn how to automate internal linking on your WordPress site to improve content navigation and SEO ...
{How {To|To Automatically} {Update|Upgrade} And Delete|{Updating|Upgrading} And Deleting} {WordPress {Plugins|Plugins Safely|Plugins In {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|Plugins Safely {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}}|Plugins|Plugins Safely|Plugins {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|Plugins Safely {In|Inside|From} {The|Your} {{WP|WordPress} {Dashboard|Admin Dashboard}|Dashboard}|{Plugins|Plugins Safely} In WordPress}

How To Update WordPress Plugins

Learn how to easily update all of your plugins inside your WordPress dashboard ...
{Heat Map Tracker|HeatMapTracker|HeatMap Tracker}

HeatMapTracker – Heat Map Software

Heat Map Tracker records visitor clicks, helps you analyze visitor behavior on your web pages, improves conversion, and helps improve your website results ...
{Autoblogging And|{Using|WordPress} Autoblogging {Software|Tools} For} {Automated|Automatic} Content Creation

WordPress Autoblogging Software For Automated Content Creation

Learn more about autoblogging tools and automated content creation methods in this tutorial ...
How To {Display Related Posts On|Add Related Posts To} {Your WordPress Site|WordPress}

How To Add Related Posts In WordPress

Learn how to add related posts in WordPress in this step-by-step tutorial ...
WordPress Tutorial

How To Add A Favicon To WordPress

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How To Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

How To Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

Learn ways to customize your WordPress dashboard without editing code ...
{{How To Add|Adding} {A {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section|Links|Featured Links|A Blogroll} To {WordPress|Your WordPress {Sidebar|Site|Sidebar Menu}|The WordPress Sidebar|Sidebar Menu}|How Do I Add {A {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section|Links|Featured Links|A Blogroll} To {WordPress|My WordPress {Sidebar|Site|Sidebar Menu}|The WordPress {Sidebar|Sidebar Menu}}?|Adding WordPress Sidebar {Links|Featured Links}|Adding A WordPress {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section|How To Add A WordPress {Links|Featured Links|Blogroll} Section}

How To Add A Link Section To WordPress

Before the release of WordPress v3.5, Links were a core feature of WordPress. This tutorial shows you how to restore this feature to your site ...
How To Clone A WordPress Post Or Page

How To Clone A WordPress Post Or Page

Learn how to easily clone WordPress posts and pages using free WordPress post/page duplication plugins ...
How To Find Your WordPress Page And Post IDs

How To Find Your WordPress Page And Post IDs

Learn how to easily find a WordPress post or page ID and why knowing how to locate your post and page IDs can be useful ...
Copyright symbol.

How To Insert Special Characters Into WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to insert special characters and symbols into your WordPress posts and pages ...
JavaScript Snippet

How To Insert Code And Scripts Into WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to add code and scripts to content in your WordPress posts and pages ...
How do you bulk edit hundreds of WordPress posts?

WP Bulk Editor – Bulk Editing Plugin For WordPress

WP Bulk Editor is an offline bulk editing plugin for WordPress that lets you make multiple post edits on your website ...
{{WordPress|WP} Plugin|WordPress} Tutorials - {How To Create|Creating} {A {To Do|To-Do} List|{To Do|To-Do} Lists} In WordPress

How To Add To-Do Lists In WordPress

Learn how to easily create a to-do list in WordPress ...

WordPress Tutorials Index

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"Wow! I never knew there's so much to learn about WordPress! I bought one of the WordPress for Dummies three years ago, such authors need to be on this course!" - Rich Law, Create A Blog Now

Originally published as WordPress Data, File & Site Recovery Tutorials.