WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Part 1 (Overview)

This is part 1 of a 5-part series of tutorials that show you how to automatically increase web traffic using WordPress and proven web marketing methods …

WordPress Traffic Automation Guide

WordPress Traffic Automation GuideThis article is part of an article series aimed at helping website owners learn how to grow their business and drive traffic automatically with a WordPress-driven website and proven web marketing strategies.


WordPress Traffic Automation Blueprint – Overview

WordPress Web Site Traffic Blueprint Part 1 - Learn How To Turn Your WordPress Web Site Into A Traffic MachineAlmost every business needs traffic to survive online.

Discovering new ways to get visitors to your website is one of the fundamental skills of growing a successful business presence online. Increasing traffic to a web site is also one of the most difficult challenges faced by almost every business owner.

Why Do So Many Businesses Struggle To Attract Visitors To Their Websites?

Search for any of the following information in Google …

  • “how to drive more web traffic to your site”
  • “drive traffic to my web site”
  • “best 5 places to get more traffic”
  • “ways to attract more traffic using YouTube”
  • “I need web visitors”

… and you will be presented with loads of tips, tricks, and information about different ways to help you drive more website visitors …

There are many strategies to drive more website visitors. In this article series you will learn how to set up a system to benefit from many of these traffic generation methods!

(There are lots of ways to increase web traffic to your web site. In this article series you will learn how to set up a simple system to benefit from many of these traffic generation strategies!)

There is clearly no shortage of ways to drive more visitors to your web site. There are tons of products and free sites that can teach you strategies to get more visitors to your website.

The problem often has more to do with businesses not investing enough time into learning how to generate new traffic sustainably, not setting up systems for managing the process effectively, and, in many cases, not even being aware that there are things you can do to automate and leverage your web traffic generation.

The illustration below shows how many small businesses approach the process of generating website traffic …

This is how most web site owners approach the challenge of generating website traffic

(This is how many businesses approach traffic generation)

Essentially, the approach many businesses typically take is this: first, you build your website, and then you figure out how to drive traffic to your website.

As you will see in a moment, there is a better way.

Useful Information

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that ”outsourcing” your traffic generation to experts will eliminate the problem.

Outsourcing is fine if you already have the systems in place to manage your traffic generation campaigns. If not, all you will probably do is end up investing a lot of time and money searching for a profitable traffic strategy.

Without laying down a solid foundation and putting the right systems in place, online traffic generation can end up becoming a costly activity!

(Without a solid foundation and proper systems, website traffic generation can end up becoming very costly!)

Getting web traffic sustainably involves setting up a solid foundation online, implementing the right systems, continually testing campaign elements, experimenting with different advertising and promotional services, tracking results, comparing ROI across different traffic generation solutions, and so on.

Is There A Way To Automate The Process Of Growing Web Visitors?

Imagine if you owned a web site where the only thing you had to do to instantly drive new visitors to your web site was to publish content on a regular basis.

This is not science fiction … it’s a fact! In fact, many website owners already have some or all of the basic components set up to benefit from the automated traffic system described above … and you can too!

In our Web Traffic Blueprint article series, you will discover the process of setting up an automated traffic system that will deliver an ongoing stream of targeted traffic to your site, simply by publishing regular content to your site.

How To Set Up An Automated Traffic Generation System

As you can see in the diagram below, the web traffic blueprint we present in this article series involves 3 basic steps:

  1. Set up specific systems to lay down a solid foundation for creating sustainable web traffic
  2. Add content on a regular basis to drive visitors and generate data organically
  3. Start testing other traffic strategies

Increasing web traffic sustainably involves setting up a solid foundation online and implementing systems

(Sustainable traffic generation involves laying a solid foundation online and implementing systems)

At this point, we’ll mostly be focusing on Step One. The aim of this article is to explain how to set up a traffic generation system that will ultimately:

  • Save time using automation and leverage
  • Save money in lots of different ways
  • Automatically get your web pages indexed faster in search engines
  • Instantly notify and publicize your content to all of your social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Access valuable data about your traffic generation strategies, monitor results, measure ROI, etc.
  • Outsource traffic generation while maintaining full control of the process
  • Grow your business online cost-effectively and sustainably

You can achieve all of the above using what we will refer to in this article series as an “expertly configured” WordPress site

With an expertly configured WordPress site, you simply publish new content and your website will then do the rest, notifying other sites about your content and bringing you back traffic!

(With an expertly configured WordPress website, you simply add content and WordPress will do the rest!)

What Is An Expertly Configured WordPress Web Site?

An expertly configured WordPress site is not the same thing as a professionally-configured WordPress web site.

An ”expertly configured” WordPress website or blog is a site that is not only built on WordPress, but has also been expertly set up and configured (either by yourself or professionally) to take full advantage of the enormous power, ease-of-use and built-in functionality of WordPress and how it integrates with other sites, specifically in areas like search engine optimization, content syndication, and reporting.

Why Do I Need An Expertly Configured WordPress-Powered Site?

We provide a number of great blog posts on this site about why you should choose the WordPress CMS to grow your business online.

Understanding how an “expertly configured” WordPress web site can begin delivering targeted visitors to your business requires several articles, which is why we highly recommend that you spend some time reading our other articles and subscribe to this site (this way, you will be informed whenever a new article is published).

Let’s start by answering some basic questions:

Why WordPress? Why can’t you use some other web platform?

Take a look at the picture below …

Static vs Expertly Configured WordPress Website

(Static vs Expertly Configured WordPress Site)

Many sites are built using applications that create websites with “static” web pages. Essentially, what this means is that the content simply sits inside a server waiting to be discovered. On its own, a static website doesn’t communicate with anyone else outside the platform; it doesn’t ’ping’ anyone in the cybersphere or notify any other site when new content has been added.

Think about it … if with a traditional website, all of the content simply sits in a server passively waiting to be found, then the business owner has to actively promote their web presence and its content to maintain new web visitors coming.

WordPress is different!

The WordPress CMS software provides several features that give users the ability to set up, easily configure and build an automated “web traffic generation” machine, where all you then need to do is post new content and your site then does the rest, instantly notifying various online properties about your site to automatically generate you new traffic …

Website Traffic Blueprint Part 1 - How To Create A Web Traffic-Getting Machine With WordPress

(With an expertly configured WordPress website, you just publish content and your site will do the rest, notifying other sites about your content and bringing you back web traffic!)

An Automated Content Distribution, Traffic And Lead Generation, And Sales & Marketing System

With an expertly configured WordPress site, you can build more than just a website for your business … you can set up an automated traffic and lead generation and sales & marketing system, where all you do is publish your content and WordPress then automates the rest …

Set up an automated content distribution, lead and traffic generation, and sales and marketing system with WordPress

(Set up an automated content distribution, lead and traffic generation, and sales and marketing system with WordPress)

As your business evolves, you can add more functionality and automate processes like:

You can do all of this using inexpensive WordPress plugins. Once these plugins are installed and configured on your site, just direct your visitors to the appropriate sections (e.g. your store, subscription forms, membership area, etc.)

The video below shows you what an expertly configured WordPress site can do for your business …

In Part Two of The Web Site Traffic Blueprint overview, we explain the components of this automated website traffic system:

  • Setup – Learn the best way to start if you don’t have a website yet, or if you already have an existing site that may or may not have been built using WordPress.
  • Configure – WordPress already comes with a number of built-in features and settings that can help you generate traffic. Learn what features and settings need to be configured for best results.
  • Automate – Your traffic machine requires not only internal WordPress settings to be expertly configured but also the expert integration of your built-in WordPress features with external tools and other sites (e.g. webmaster, analytics, and social media accounts).
  • Publicize – Once your site settings have been configured and integrated with various external tools, you then begin to publish new content regularly and WordPress will instantly notify and inform search engines, your social media pages and other online properties about the new content, giving your content wider exposure online to new targeted visitors.
  • Optimize – We recommend beginning with a content-based strategy to build sustainable traffic. With the right systems in place, you can also start measuring and understanding your results and gather valuable data that will allow you to make better decisions as you expand to new traffic generation methods.

Web Traffic Blueprint Part 1 - Learn How To Turn Your WordPress Site Into A Traffic Generation Machine

This is the end of Part 1

To read the rest of this article, click here:

Website Traffic Blueprint Part 2 – How To Create An Automated Web Traffic-Getting Machine With WordPress


This tutorial is part of a comprehensive series of tutorials designed to help website owners learn how to grow their business online cost-effectively and drive traffic sustainably with a WordPress website and proven marketing strategies that are easy and quick to implement.

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